Elissa Jill Cleaveland

<<You have already spent $XXX on them joining this sport. The money is
non-refundable and there is no extra money to put them in another sport. Do
you just let them quit & explain that you cannot pay for another
sport/activity at this point? Do you tell them they can quit if they like
but then they will have to wait until next season to do something

Being as we haven't won the Powerball yet, we do have a budget. (Somewhere,
I'll have to find it.)
First thing, I would find a way for them to experience the sport without a
big investment. That's a lot of pressure on a little one. There are two
homeschool soccer teams within a 30 mile radius. $15.00 a season, bring a
ball and wear shin guards. Total of about 35 dollars. If there weren't any
teams I would send an email out to my local list and find others who are
interested in starting one.
Easy. No big investment.
2. I would list the equipment on Ebay and sell it. Once it has sold, I
would say This is what we have to work with, what can we do with it? I
would also ask for some of the money back from the team, it may not be
refunded but I would try.

There are also LOADS of interesting things to do other than Football in the
fall, baseball and soccer in the spring. There's horseback riding,
gymnastics, fencing, running, track and field, playing catch,bowling,ice
skating, roller skating, canoeing,kayaking, swimming, diving, caving,hiking,
backpacking, climbing.......
ALL of which can be tried for a day, a week or a lifetime.

Elissa Jill
The music in me is a gift from the Universe.
My job is to care for it and use it well; I am its bearer, not its owner.
~Johnny Cash's Moma