Ren Allen

"On the rare occasion that we're having a
special treat, say coffee I explain to her that it's something grown-ups
drink that's not very really healthy and when she gets older she's welcome
to try it. "

If coffee is truly unhealthy, then no one should drink it. There's
nothing wrong with a little person drinking some coffee. There's
nothing wrong with them having a sip of wine either. I think that's
the best way for a toddler to learn what they like and don't
like...sipping or eating off of their families food and drink.

If you make food an issue now, it's going to be a lot harder for her
to find a balance later. I've been on both sides of this one....
I still would prefer we all eat mostly organic, whole grain health
foods. My kids have other ideas. I wish I had trusted them from day one.

There is no harm in a child drinking a bit of coffee though. That's
just a big old myth. Most kids don't care for the taste until they're
a bit older anyway.


Ren Allen

"I LOVE THAT BOY! One of those heartwarming moments, again, and from
a mom who doesn't require chores. "

That's really sweet.

I have a dishes story from yesterday too. It's not as nice as yours.
After I got off work, the house was a TOTAL wreck (dh was distracted
by tax stuff so not as available) and I wanted to get ready for Easter
company. I started cleaning the kitchen area and asked Sierra and
Jared to PLEASE help out because I was a bit overwhelmed.

Sierra jumped right up, but wanted to handwash dishes. I was starting
to get agitated anyway, because Jared was sitting and watching me
clean like a madwoman and not doing a thing (those damn expectations
getting in the way again). I explained to Sierra that I just wanted
the counters cleared and handwashing was NOT an option right at that
moment (brilliant Ren).
She was pissed off and left. If she couldn't handwash, she wasn't
going to help. Argh.

So I got some stuff done, grumped about not getting enough help (smack
my forehead here!!) and Jared started helping.

Funny thing about him, he truly just doesn't notice sometimes. He
wasn't trying to be unhelpful (he's a very sweet guy) he was just
thinking about other things.

So later on, when we're trying to wind the night down, I'm feeling
guilty for not letting Sierra handwash the dishes and being a general
I cleaned up and all the dishes that didn't fit in the dishwasher got
saved for her.:) I filled up the sink with warm, soapy water and
hollered "Sierra, you want to wash dishes now?"
She came running and happily stood washing the whole pile.

As she washed, she says "Mom,I wonder why some people love to wash
dishes?" I laughed and told her the story of Dylan and Deb (also
shared it on my conference CD) and I was glad she liked helping me so

I felt a bit of redemption at that point and told her I was sorry for
being grumpy earlier. I guess the whole point of this rambling story
is that help does not always come in the form we think it should. But
if we honor their efforts and embrace whatever form of help we get,
kids are totally willing to be part of our household tasks.

Maybe not all of them (who on earth likes ALL of them?) but that's ok.
Jalen loves helping me fold laundry...go figure. It's still one of my
least favorite chores because my Mom was SUCH a bitch about it.

He folds in his own unique way (as a five year old would)and loves
hauling laundry to it's home. It never looks super neat. But he's
enjoying an activity with me. Who cares if they even get folded?
They're clean and put away right?:)


[email protected]

-----Original Message---

From: Ren Allen <starsuncloud@...>

There is no harm in a child drinking a bit of coffee though. That's
just a big old myth. Most kids don't care for the taste until they're
a bit older anyway.

I drank it when I was 2-3 years old. My grandfather would make me
"coffee milk"---mostly milk and sugar with a little coffee added. We'd
go on the side porch to drink. He'd call the bob whites to the porch,
then I'd sneeze and chase them away.

I don't drink coffee now. Can't stand the taste or smell. Vile and
disgusting! I choose chai. My 10 year old has always liked coffee. He
has *maybe* 2-3 cups of coffee per month. He usually prefers hot
chocolate. Ben will have a cup of expresso when we go out to eat. Cam
only drinks water and herbal tea. But we all have a choice. Neither of
the boys will be running out to drink 2-3 cups of coffee in the morning
just to get going after they leave home.


Kelly Lovejoy
Conference Coordinator
Live and Learn Unschooling Conference

Nicole Willoughby

Most kids don't care for the taste until they're
a bit older anyway.

lol.....most things like spinach and lima beans that I didnt like as a kid I either dont mind now or really enjoy.

I grabbed a cup of my mom's coffee that had been sitting a while and was cold when I was younger..bleh!!! I have not picked up a coffee since :)

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Christy Mahoney

It's funny because that's exactly how I started to like coffee -
drinking my mom's cold leftovers :) She had 6 kids and was always
leaving half-drunk coffee cups in every room.


> I grabbed a cup of my mom's coffee that had been sitting a while
and was cold when I was younger..bleh!!! I have not picked up a coffee
since :)