[email protected]

I will be adding a page to UnschoolingMaine.com also.
_http://www.wabi.tv/story.asp?12435_ (http://www.wabi.tv/story.asp?12435)

From another HS

<<[Nancy Metilly], 40, is pregnant children are as follows....(b)Isaiah, 19,
(g)Elizabeth, 17, (b)Jonathan, 16, (b)Andrew, 13, (b)Josiah, 12, (g)Hannah,
10, (g)Hadassah, 7, (g)Miriam, 5, (g)Ribqah, 3, (g)Shamyah, 2, and
10-month-old (b)Ezekiel.

The family unschools and finds that "everyday life is learning". So, I'm not
going to take a list of textbooks. After speaking with three different
people who know them well, it doesn't seem like it would be needed. A church is
looking at the possibility of donating a storage container for the family. If
people have household things such as a sewing machine, yard goods (Nancy makes
dresses for the girls), school supplies, computer, encyclopedia set when
they have space for it, they can email me offlist at which point I'll verify the
particular need is still there. The family is doing well. A few years back
they lost a 10(?) yr. old son due to the effect of chemo for cancer. They have
the perspective that this is nothing in comparison to that.
I think the new baby is due in Sept.

Again the real need is the building fund. Any donation would be great.
Please don't think $10 wouldn't make an impact. It will as many of us saw that in
2001 when the Farley's lost their home. Checks or cash can be sent to Maine
Savings Credit Union, 122 Park Street Milo, Maine 04463. Payable to Metilly
Fire Fund. You can also make payable to Maine Savings with notations to the
memo and back "deposit Metilly fund". Phone number of Maine Savings:

There is a short list of some household needs for the family that was posted
to the Freecycle list. I'm not including it here as I think the list will be
fulfilled. (to find a freecycle group in your area, go to:
http://freecycle.org/display.php?region=US%20Northeast )


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