
"I'm happy to participate in a list where non-coercive parenting and loving
guidance can co-exist with the goal of discussing unschooling as it's focus."

Yes...that's how it should be ideally.
There are a lot of us that don't see the separation between parenting issues and unschooling, but I know it was a journey for me and didn't happen overnight.
I think one should expect to get questioned on any discussion list, and as the guidelines state, if you post it, expect a discussion.
But there is no need for all of us to be on the same page, nor is that the focus. It's going to come up from time to time though, passionate as unschoolers tend to be!:)
My hope is that the questioning I've seen going on, can continue, that experienced folks can question also and share their own experience without anyone feeling overly defensive, and the list can offer a variety of creative ideas that help people unschool more effectively.

We aren't a non-coercion list. I get ardently coercive if one of my children is harming another human being...whether verbally or physically. That person gets removed from the room and spends time with me elsewhere. I belive in setting boundaries for myself and try to help my children learn to stand up for themselves in regards to boundaries.
So yeah, coercion is not off limits in unschooling. I think living peaceably together is a better focus perhaps. Respecting other people's desires and needs as equally important to my own, living as a unit, rather than a dictatorship...those things are the priority around here.

So anyhoo....I hope nobody thinks they have to totally understand all these side issues and apply them equally to participate in this list! It IS a "basics" list, but I have a hard time not speaking my you all know. :)


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