Ren Allen

" They have to learn limits, and the
parents have to be the one to set those limits. I've
worked with kids quite a bit, and while they may rebel
against rules and limitations, they actually function
better when what is expected of them, and that not
meeting those expectations has consequences."

My children learn limits from living life! I try to only set limits
that are real, not arbitrary (I don't like being hit, I don't let
people destroy my property etc...) but I see that as personal
boundaries more than anything.
My kids don't rebel against rules and limitations, because for one
thing I don't have rules!:)
Secondly, I don't fill their lives with limitations, I seek to find
the way to fulfill their desires and give them freedom. My children
don't need to meet my expectations to avoid "consequences". I don't
dole out consequences. True consequences happen because of natural law
(gravity makes the liquid pour out, not wearing a coat in cold weather
can make you cold, most plants die if you don't water them, Mom is
crazy if she doesn't get truffles at least once a week:), not because
I choose to make them happen.
