[email protected]

Hi Christi-
The fancy answer for kids who like to bite and have things in their mouths
is that they have "sensory needs" and to give them other outlets for the
biting. Others have mentioned gum (they obviously have to be old enough not to
choke on it), twizzlers, pacifiers, straws, chew toys for babies, or anything
that is hard enough to chew on. Therapists often use rubber (some kind of
plastic) tubing that kids can chew on and wear around their necks if they want
as a necklace. My daughter likes to chew on the edges of her "security"pillow
and has almost chewed thru several. Some kids also like to just have
something in their mouth more often- here, have a carrot.
When they get older- they chew the tops of their pens!
And of course, also the dialogue about "biting hurts, etc." but if they
aren't biting out of delight or malice, they are propbably just needing more
oral stimulation than average.
good luck,
Amanda B.

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