Ren Allen

"My daughter was just reading over my shoulder and
asked if there are other groups like this for kids, so she could talk
to other new unschoolers about HER concerns? "

There's a really nice forum at for kids. Adults pop
in here and there to share, but it's mostly unschooling kids. It's a
very nice way to "meet" other unschoolers and a simple forum to use.

I'm sure there are other lists too.:)

I highly recommend getting her out to one of the unschooling
conferences this year!! I can't say enough good things about meeting
other families living this life. It will give you much needed support
and provide life long friendships for all of you.


[email protected]

There's a list for kids and teens who plan to go to the conference. My daughter Casey is 12 and she's on it. Here's the link


"The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the
green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly
~Thich Nhat Hanh

-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Ren Allen" <starsuncloud@...>

Melanie Ilsley

Ren, Thanks for the info, I am looking into it and will let all of you know when I learn
anything. Where can I find out about conferences? We are in rural Vt, but would like to go.
Any info would be great. Melanie