Ren Allen

"Thanks Ren, you are right, it is a schooling problem."

You know Sandy, I've been thinking about it and I really phrased that
It isn't just a school problem, but what I should have said is that
this list can't help people include school in their lives to solve
problems. What we CAN do, is offer up unschooling philsophy as the way
to help with various issues.

In this case, I think the problem is more with how the parents view
the child's activities, than any problem with the child being demotivated.

There was some really cool thing about phrasing stuff in
"educationese" somewhere. Let me poke around and see what I can find.


Donald and Sandra Winn

Ren, I knew what you meant, it was on my mind all
day. I think the best thing for me to do is just
watch and learn for awhile, see what people are
posting and keep comments limited until I can go into
this how I want without worrying so much about DH.

I would truly appreciate the educationese though!
Thanks...I do want whats best for Zak. ;-) There is
so much to learn here, even if I don't ask questions
for now. You all are great and have much wisdom to
offer, think I'll just drink in your all's thoughts
and advise, let sink into my soul.


--- Ren Allen <starsuncloud@...> wrote:

> "Thanks Ren, you are right, it is a schooling
> problem."
> You know Sandy, I've been thinking about it and I
> really phrased that
> wrong.:)
> It isn't just a school problem, but what I should
> have said is that
> this list can't help people include school in their
> lives to solve
> problems. What we CAN do, is offer up unschooling
> philsophy as the way
> to help with various issues.
> In this case, I think the problem is more with how
> the parents view
> the child's activities, than any problem with the
> child being demotivated.
> There was some really cool thing about phrasing
> stuff in
> "educationese" somewhere. Let me poke around and see
> what I can find.
> Ren

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Ren Allen

" You all are great and have much wisdom to
offer, think I'll just drink in your all's thoughts
and advise, let sink into my soul."

You're so kind.:)
And trust your own innate wisdom too....I think that's what causes us
to question and squirm inside when things aren't quite "right".
You've always been an inspiration to me with your very open heart and
mind. Your children are lucky to have such a sweet mum.
