Donald and Sandra Winn

Is there a file somewhere regarding how to write
things down in "schoolish terms"? It seems that there
is but there are so many unschooling places that I've
been to that I can't begin to narrow it down.

I really, really want to write things down. Even with
Brooke being so interested in things when I tried
totally unschooling before, she'd be on the phone with
the grandparents and they'd ask, "So what have you
been learning?" to which she replies, "Um, I don't
know"....LOL It made the kids uncomfortable to say
"nothing, I don't know", if we get some lingo going on
I think we'd all be more comfortable.


BTW...the video game Spartan did spark Zachary into
wanting to learn about Greek gods and such. Sorry
that I neglected to stress that point.

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