HSC Unschooling Symposium
October 25-27, 2013
Orange County, California

The Five W's - Sandra Dodd
Attendees might be new to unschooling, or might be those who are in a position to help others who are new. One method of inquiry and of explanation that goes back through rhetoric of the Renaissance, and philosophers in ancient Rome and Greece, is sometimes called "the five W's"--Who, What, When, Where and Why? Sometimes "How?" or "By What Means?" has been a #6. The kind of information new unschoolers think they need doesn't often end up being what they actually need.

Pivot Point - Sandra Dodd
Something tips the balance, when people's lives change. It's likely that some person, somewhere, said or did something that changed your viewpoint and direction. Someone's voice is in your head, encouraging you to be brave. Your voice might be in someone else's head someday. But in this session, those who wish to can name and credit the person or incident that was pivotal in their move from traditional parenting and education to the new and different direction that led to unschooling. Participants can fill the room with the names of those whose inspiration or example made a positive difference in the lives of children of people who are there.

Your Own Certain Knowledge - Sandra Dodd
Vague interest can turn to trust in others' accounts of learning and of parenting successes. Trust in those stories can give us courage to experiment, and from that we can discover our own proofs and truths to share with newer unschoolers, who might find courage from that to try these things themselves. Faith in others can only take us a little way, though, and then our own children's learning will carry us onward. Some ideas become theories. A few theories might turn to convictions. Some early thoughts will be abandoned; others will gain substance. After much thought and use, what is left will be what you believe because you have lived it.

Full Program



Notes on speaking other places notes on other projects for HSC Sandra Dodd in Person