Birthing source material

Preparing for a water birth
This information is repeated on another couple of pages but this PDF has credits and early dates.

Dayna used it as her own here:

The Benefits of Waterfor Labor and/or Birth
was the source material for Dayna's page:
Benefits of a water birth:
"The original page (Wayback lists it as March 6, 2001) even cites resources at the bottom, that are missing from Dayna’s page" (note from the researcher)
The person who sent these links wrote "I'm thinking every page on Gentle Beginnings is taken from somewhere else. Dayna's:

The text is half from and half from a tea box!

Doula information lifted from a brochure downloadable here: More information/better link coming.

Dayna's version:

Note from one of the researchers:
Neither Debra Pascali-Bonaro nor Elizabeth Davis, authors of "Orgasmic Birth," seem connected to the three people plagiarized above (Jennifer Shelton, Robin Elise Weiss, Brian Alexander). Ms. Pascali-Bonaro was the filmmaker, alone.

However, Dr. Christiane Northrup was featured in the film and has written a testimonial for the book.

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