From: [email protected] Subject: [AlwaysLearning] List problem and dishonesty Date: August 28, 2008 10:46:19 PM MDT To: [email protected] The e-mail below included a post I don't remember rejecting. Perhaps another moderator rejected it. And maybe it was accidentally rejected. It's not really important. What IS important is that if the author could write to several members of this list (or even to a few), why not just send the rejected or lost post directly to the person who requested the help? Why not write to me as listowner and ask what happened to the post? Why not just try to repost it if it was a "seems to have been rejected" situation? When I do reject a post (and it is rare), I write and explain why. I have more comments below this: ************************************************************************ ************ From: (a list member) Date: August 28, 2008 6:33:05 PM MDT To: (another list member) Subject: New Yahoo Group: RawAlwaysLearning As you know, this group is actively moderated, such that many posts are rejected by the moderator, and the group never sees them. This is the moderator's right, as she is the list owner. I believe that these posts would be of interest/value to many in the AlwaysLearningGroup. Therefore, I have created a group ( where AlwaysLearning members may post and discuss posts/topics which have been rejected by this list. Join us! Here is the first post to the RawAlwaysLearning group, which seems to have been rejected by the moderator of the AlwaysLearningGroup: ************************************************************************ ************ That list was started today and has four members. Several things about this are irritating, but chief among them is naming the list to match the name of this list. It's like stalking. If you want to create a list, do it! But to create a list based on this one is not healthy, good or right. A few years back someone who was angry at the moderators of UnschoolingDiscussion created a list called UnschoolingDiscussions, and solicited members from that list (and certainly hoped to catch accidental traffic). The list lasted a while on badmouthing me and others specifically. What kind of basis is that for a list? It's discourteous at best. (And they've had two posts in all of 2008 so far, so their thought they could do better seems not to have been true.) This is quite overstated: "As you know, this group is actively moderated, such that many posts are rejected by the moderator, and the group never sees them. " There are not many posts rejected and there are several moderators. Most of the posts rejected lately were purely nasty spam, and phishing sales sites. You WANT moderation; seriously. -=- I believe that these posts would be of interest/value to many in the AlwaysLearningGroup. -=- "These posts"? There are not "many" of them. So far, that list is discussing ONE post, which I don't think I rejected. And so I would like to ask that anyone who is unhappy with the list either complain to me or just go happily to another list. Don't send side e-mails to list members stating untruths and inviting them away from the list. What a rude, tacky waste of time and energy. Whatever topics ANYone wants to discuss, there are countless places on the web to discuss them. This list is not and isn't trying to be anyone's be-all and end-all. Be on as many different lists as you want to be on to discuss all the things you want, but I do NOT appreciate someone creating a counter-list, a critical list, a list about my list. With this, I am asking that the creator of RawAlwaysLearning delete that list from yahoogroups and stop contacting the members of this list. Don't even whine or apologize. Just stop. People have gotten enough unsolicited mail about it already. If you want to have another list, don't name it anything like "AlwaysLearning" and if you want to solicit members from this list do it in a post to the list, not with side mail. (And I do know the address of the listowner, but as a courtesy I didn't include it above.) Sandra __._,_.___ "Karen" busy_karen Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:50 am First blocked post: autism, ADHD & Labels ➢ I would really love to hear from someone else who has experienced this first hand. My DD had severe ADHD.� Her symptoms included severe hyperactivity dangerously combined with impulsivity (such as no thought or care before running into a busy street), inability to focus and related frustration with herself, very oppositional behavior, poor eye contact, difficulty listening, emotional hypersensitivity, social anxiety, overwhelmed by clean-up projects.� She would say very negative things about herself and had chronic headaches.� Her ADHD counterpart of autistic "flapping" was endless somersaulting on our ottoman just to keep herself in motion.� Sometimes she would launch herself into belly-flops onto the ottoman or a bed just to keep herself in motion.� Another repetitive type of behavior would be continuous rewinding to listen to a tiny segment of music or a DVD over and over again.� It is with untold gratitude to posts on ADHD support lists and other research under "ADHD" that these symptoms are a thing of the past for her--a nightmare for the whole family that has finally ended. The long, tedious journey through research eventually prompted me to try the Feingold Diet and gluten-free casein free, as well as dietary supplements.� These all helped tremendously.� Then finally, through one of the ADHD lists, I discovered NAET (� You sure won't hear this in the mainstream, but it turns out that she, like most with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, Tourette Syndrome, etc., had many types of hidden/internal allergies to various foods and chemicals.� These allergies result in central-nervous-system blockages as well as lack of proper absorption of nutrients from food.� The part of the brain involved in ADHD was malnourished/starving.� (There are even books about this dietary aspect such as "Children With Starving Brains", "Is This Your Child?", "The Gut-Brain Connection", "Healing The New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies", and "Say Good-bye To ADD and ADHD".)� Behavioral allergies to otherwise healthy foods are often involved as well.� My DD had behavioral reactions to oranges that would last for a good two or three days.� She also reacted to perfumes, pesticides, food additives.� She was found to be allergic to her own dopamine and neurotransmitters.� NAET is non-invasive energy medicine that works extremely well (in the hands of a quality, experienced practitioner) to eliminate all kinds of allergies (which in DD's case, manifested as behavioral reactions). The many factors in acquiring such allergies include our Western diets and food additives.� As DD is able to understand, I will be teaching her about the importance of a healthy diet (which is not the food pyramid and not low, to help prevent her from re-developing allergies, to be vigilant to the signs of ADHD that could signal that she has redeveloped allergies, to the dangers of allowing any ADHD relapse to go untreated. By the way, DD's ADHD was accompanied by the gifts of a fairly photographic memory and exceptional creativity...both of which she still has!! Karen
"Alyce" alyce13j Re: First blocked post: autism, ADHD & Labels Why was it blocked? :) ~Alyce [then the whole post was quoted]
RE: [RawAlwaysLearning] Re: First blocked post: autism, ADHD & Labels She did not say. Any speculations? Karen
RE: [RawAlwaysLearning] Re: First blocked post: autism, ADHD & Labels Oh and welcome, Alyce !! I won�t usually have time to welcome new members, but you are the first !! Thanks. Karen
"Karen" busy_karen Re-Posting in Plain Text: First blocked post: autism, ADHD & Labels Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:47 am ➢ I would really love to hear from someone else who has experienced this first hand. My DD had severe ADHD. Her symptoms included severe hyperactivity dangerously combined with impulsivity (such as no thought or care before running into a busy street), inability to focus and related frustration with herself, very oppositional behavior, poor eye contact, difficulty listening, emotional hypersensitivity, social anxiety, overwhelmed by clean-up projects. She would say very negative things about herself and had chronic headaches. Her ADHD counterpart of autistic "flapping" was endless somersaulting on our ottoman just to keep herself in motion. Sometimes she would launch herself into belly-flops onto the ottoman or a bed just to keep herself in motion. Another repetitive type of behavior would be continuous rewinding to listen to a tiny segment of music or a DVD over and over again. It is with untold gratitude to posts on ADHD support lists and other research under "ADHD" that these symptoms are a thing of the past for her--a nightmare for the whole family that has finally ended. The long, tedious journey through research eventually prompted me to try the Feingold Diet and gluten-free casein free, as well as dietary supplements. These all helped tremendously. Then finally, through one of the ADHD lists, I discovered NAET ( You sure won't hear this in the mainstream, but it turns out that she, like most with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, Tourette Syndrome, etc., had many types of hidden/internal allergies to various foods and chemicals. These allergies result in central-nervous-system blockages as well as lack of proper absorption of nutrients from food. The part of the brain involved in ADHD was malnourished/starving. (There are even books about this dietary aspect such as "Children With Starving Brains", "Is This Your Child?", "The Gut-Brain Connection", "Healing The New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies", and "Say Good-bye To ADD and ADHD".) Behavioral allergies to otherwise healthy foods are often involved as well. My DD had behavioral reactions to oranges that would last for a good two or three days. She also reacted to perfumes, pesticides, food additives. She was found to be allergic to her own dopamine and neurotransmitters. NAET is non-invasive energy medicine that works extremely well (in the hands of a quality, experienced practitioner) to eliminate all kinds of allergies (which in DD's case, manifested as behavioral reactions). The many factors in acquiring such allergies include our Western diets and food additives. As DD is able to understand, I will be teaching her about the importance of a healthy diet (which is not the food pyramid and not low, to help prevent her from re-developing allergies, to be vigilant to the signs of ADHD that could signal that she has redeveloped allergies, to the dangers of allowing any ADHD relapse to go untreated. By the way, DD's ADHD was accompanied by the gifts of a fairly photographic memory and exceptional creativity...both of which she still has!! Karen
Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:37 pm "Bridget C." bri_mom4 Re: First blocked post: autism, ADHD & Labels Not sure that website's correct -- I clicked on it & wound up at Nordic Electric Traders or something. Maybe it was just blocked as not relevant enough to unschooling, as that's such a busy list with just the relevant stuff, but I don't really read it enough to give an educated guess. Bridget, not Welcome Bridget! Oh, thank you for pointing that out! It�s Karen
"Barda Allen" whosallen Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:58 pm Hi, thanks for the invite.... Hi Karen, thanks for the invite, I'll pass this group on to other folks that could probably use a place to get advice and ask questions, share ideas etc... I hope you don't mind but I created a link to a short video on youtube, I thought it might be helpful. -- Namaste, Barda ... whose family is continuously creating a balanced life, with time freedom & the lifestyle to go with it ;-) Reach me - 406-461-2243 NIKKEN Mission Statement: To inspire individuals to DISCOVER a whole new way of life and provide them the opportunity to LIVE IT by changing their lives through improved health and financial well-being. "The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." -Thomas Alva Edison: Was an inventor and businessman