Bright Ideas and True Confessions: How and What to Do and Why



The policy on advertising has changed a couple of times, so verify this with the kingdom treasurer or corporate chronicler if it becomes important. The last I knew, kingdom newsletters could accept advertising, and others could not. This is because of a complicated bit of reporting required on income from advertising. It's not the sort of reporting that every local group can or would do, and we're not being honest with the IRS if we don't. Local newsletters can put in free advertising for local merchants who will give their members a discount, or a print shop who's giving a discount on reproduction or something, but don't take money in exchange for advertising. Kingdom newsletters should keep the corporate office and corporate chronicler aware of their rates, as people often write to the Society and ask for a rates chart for all newsletters. The advertising should all have something to do with the purpose of our group.



Copyright © by Sandra Dodd, 1991
Site design by
Ninth Circle