"Connections" - Sandra Dodd
Where does learning happen, and how? Unschooling can provide time, space and opportunity for wonderful things to unfold.

Look up some of the old talks on thinking.

Zen garden like an etch-a-sketch

"Dodd Family Panel Discussion" - Sandra, Keith, Holly, Kirby, and Marty Dodd
Holly says her life is huge. When a younger Kirby was asked which he liked better, school or homeschooling, he said that as he'd never been to school he had no basis for comparison. Except for driver's ed, Marty has never even visited a classroom. What's it like to be famous-name unschoolers who never knew any other way of life or learning?

"Mindful Parenting" - Ren Allen with Sandra Dodd

How does parenting style and choice affect unschooling? Why does mindful parenting play such an important role in the way unschooling develops? Sandra and Ren came to unschooling and mindful parenting along different paths, but now find the same philosophies to be of ultimate importance. Saying "yes" more often, respecting children's choices and letting go of arbitrary rules will be discussed, and how they affect the way learning unfolds.

This one has a webpage, with the sound file.
"Unforeseen Benefits of Unschooling" - Sandra Dodd

When my oldest was five, I could see the potential of unschooling. I knew unschooling families and was familiar with alternative education. I had no doubt things would work out well. There were unexpected outcomes, though, and they continue to arise. Some of the notes from this

Knotwork: Northern European knotwork show and tell, coordinated by Keith and Holly Dodd.
Keith and Holly will bring some of the knotwork they've done, and others should bring any they have, and all can share stories and ideas. Photos and links for thinking about it in advance are here: /knotwork

Traditional Circle Games

Some of these games are nearly extinct now, so learn then when you can! Though in the 20th century circle, running and tag games tended to be used by children at school, in earlier times they were good excuses for teens to make body contact in acceptable ways, and these or similar games were used at play parties and harvest festivals. All ages are welcome to participate or just watch.

SINGING ROUNDS - Keith, Sandra and Holly Dodd

Keith, Sandra and Holly Dodd will teach and lead several three-part rounds. Though we will distribute words and music, the ability to read will not be necessary, and no one has to sing alone, so don't be shy. If you've never gotten to sing harmonies, PLEASE come and experience the feeling of being on the inside when the big chords come over us. If enough strong singers show up, we might do four, five or six parters.
Quiet observers are welcome too.