Ali Kat

Tonight is lovely. I got home from work and was met by a very excited Bekka. She had called me at work earlier in the day because she wanted to know the recipe for Play Dough... I told her I couldn't look it up right then, but after I got home I would look it up and we'd make some. I told her I was pretty sure that it took flour, salt, and kool-aid (she wanted fruity playdough), and that if she wanted she could get it out and be ready.

Well, when I got home she had cleared off a spot on the counter, gotten a glass bowl from the sink and washed it, had the flour, salt, kool-aid, and measuring cups/spoons ready. Mom was on the computer and quite grouchy, so I said "How about we go look at these catalogs while grandma finishes what she's doing. After she's off the computer, then we'll look up the recipe." Bekka said that was fine, as she's been wanting to go through the catalogs and pick the things she wants to sell. (she's my budding entreprenuer... lol - we started an LLC for her, and we are in the process of SLOWLY getting a website up and running)

ANYWAY... we did that for a while, then my mom got off the puter. I looked up a recipe, and we got to work. She measured and stirred while I helped out. Then she kneaded it to just the right consistency - without me saying or doing anything. She proceeded to make "CandyLand" stories with the dough - shaping mountains, caves, rivers, and even freaky faces, etc... We had a blast. Then she would make animal prints in the dough and have me guess what they were. My favorite was the carmel marshmellow bear with sprinkles... lol.

After that, we went to the library. I had some things to look up, and she skipped off to the kids section of the library. 45 minutes later I get a whispered "mom..." and slight tap on my shoulder - I nearly yelped. lol... anyway, she had a stack of books and videos that was half as high as she is tall. She apparently has a thing for bears, since she has gotten 4 books on them, 2 on butterflies (which is because she and her buddy found a cocoon the other day - I remember hearing her tell her friend "That's called a crysalis <sp?> and I can't remember where she'd hear that - lol, and THEY say she doesn't know anything cuz she's not in school...), she also got a couple of the olsen twins books, a bunch of space and moon books, some mystery books, and some other books on various subjects.

Bekka also picked out some videos. I was surprised that she had picked out a Hamtaro video. It's something we had come across a long time ago, and is not easily found in the library. I think it's a Japanese animation hamster thing. I don't get it really, but she loves it. She also picked some Spongebob videos. She had never seen spongebob before, but this past weekend we were visiting a friend that has cable and she really likes the show. Another one I don't get/care for... but she's loving it. I think she got some other ones too, but I can't remember.

After we got home, she ran to the shower - something I used have to ask her to do (okay, beg/plead/pester is more likely an accurate description). I warmed up taco fixings from the other night and put away the dishes I had washed while we had chatted over play dough earlier. She was out of the shower in record time - and dressed to boot. She made her tacos exactly as she wanted, and even tried tomatoes (something she has insisted as far back as i can remember that she hated... lol) without me saying "hey, why don't you try some... pleasseee... just some... just a bite...just a little... just once... it won't kill you to try it... blah blah blah" (I hate that old me... I have been trying very hard lately to watch what I say - especially regarding food). She said "Hey, I kind of like these, but not really." I said, "That's fine honey. Everyone has different tastes." if the dear never eats tomatoes, it won't be the end of the world (and that leaves more for me <bwg>)

While eating dinner, we watched Hamtaro and played more play dough, and after that she watched a Spongebob video. And the whole time that I have been typing this, she has not once "bugged" me. Okay, there was the one time she said "Mommy, I 'm thirsty." I (happily!!! and I mean that I felt very happy while doing so) made her warm milk and cinnamon - one of her absolute favorites. She said thank you.

Ahhhh... what a lovely lovely evening.

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In a message dated 9/9/04 8:34:20 PM, sweetgypsiedncer@... writes:

<< I remember hearing her tell her friend "That's called a crysalis <sp?>
and I can't remember where she'd hear that - lol, and THEY say she doesn't know
anything cuz she's not in school...) >>

I love when that happens.

Today Holly was sitting reading "The Body" by Stephen King.
That's her next step from Judy Blume. <g>

She was telling me something about the story being in a lull. I asked her a
question and I don't remember what, but she said, "It's just character
development at this point."


Then Marty was telling me all about The Tempest, and why characters did what
(it's been a long time since I read it, and I've never seen it, but thanks to
the Ohman family, he saw it a couple of weeks ago). I found an illustrated
retelling of it, with lots of full-page illustrations and he went through it
telling me his favorite bits, and about how it was staged when he saw it.

While I'm a little worried about Kirby's response to algebra (unthrilled), I
have no worries about their access to literature. <g>


Robyn Coburn

<<<Ahhhh... what a lovely lovely evening.>>>

Ali, I'm so glad.

Robyn L. Coburn

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Carmen McFarlin

Oh, yes, warm milk with cinnamon, honey and butter is a favorite in
our house, too! My mom used to make it over toast, but I don't like
soggy toast and none of my girls do either...actually, they do like
to dip their toast in the milk. Anyhoo, so glad to hear of your
lovely evening with Bekka, complete with yummy warm milk.

Okay, there was the one time she said "Mommy, I 'm thirsty." I
(happily!!! and I mean that I felt very happy while doing so) made
her warm milk and cinnamon - one of her absolute favorites. She
said thank you.
> Ahhhh... what a lovely lovely evening.