Cornerstone Community Farm

Hi everyone. I've been lurking (and occasional writing) on this list
quite a while, maybe nearly a year. Thought it bout time to say hello
and a little more about myself.

I'm a single dad, been single 8 1/2 half years. First heard about
homeschooling in a culture (world view) course at my church.
Later took a seminar in 1993 by Professor and author Larry Woiwode.

The past three years I've been teaching a seminar on Home schooling at
Cornerstone Festival of music and art. (Over 300 bands, the likes of
POD, Sixpence none the richer, and Switchfoot became famous thru
Cornerstone) I teach general HS, but with a strong emphasis on
Unschooling. I go over the various trains of thought within home
schooling, and emphasize that all parents must have elements of
unschooling in their methodology, or they will fail to teach their
children to love education...

We just set up a contract to lease/land contract our own land in a
rugged hilly portion of SW WI. We will continue growing organic
produce and organic milk and a few beef steers every year. We use
rotational grazing, a LOW labor/capital input type of farming. No
tractors. All work by hand or draft horses.

We will next summer set up cabins and tent sites where customers can
come and see how their food is produced (and help for a reduced price
on food), learn about healthy eating and living in a Biblical

Alice was only a baby then, but I was excited about the prospects of
homeschooling. I felt right from the start, that education began at
birth. Alice was played with and read to quite a bit, long before she
knew what reading was about. She pretty much learned to read on her
own, reading Chronicles of Narnia on my lap.

Alice loved home schooling, and thrived at it. She pretty much taught
herself math with Saxon math, and read extensively, on her own. Her
mom originally agreed to homeschooling, but began to object. Alice
tested (court ordered) well above school kids. I think the real issue
was not Alice was not thriving, but she missed the tax-free child
support payments. Mom earns twice what I do, and I did NOT make her
pay child support when I had her homeschooling and 90% custody.
Anyway, a crooked judged decided that 2 grades ahead of other kids was
not good enough. I'm appealing now, and should hear back with a few

Other interests include Linux computer systems (building my own),
reading, music, writing, Cornerstone, guitar, hiking,
hunting, fishing, camping, homemade bread, scratch foods, gardening,
horses, dogs, cats, and just about any other kind of animal.

I read with great curiosity the discussions questioning how one could
both unschool and be a Christian. I was raised in a church, but later
became a Christian while serving in the military, so I understand the
confusion some may have.

Feel free to send any questions about our homeschooling or our farm or
world view.