[email protected]

In a message dated 8/9/04 10:24:07 AM, mamaaj2000@... writes:

<< http://www.waldorfhomeschoolers.com/legos.htm

People weigh in for and against Legos, but the controlling attitude

really jumps out at you. >>

Hey but aren't Lego manufactured in Denmark or some mondo-Germanic place?

Maybe that proves it's more New-Age correctness than dusty old Aryan
mysticism. <g>

A quote from that Lego article:
-=-For me Lego has mainly straight forms and edges no curves and mixed forms
as found in nature. It seem that this is the main problem with it. As in a
computer you can only do what the soft ware and hard ware have already dictated
to the user.-=-

Sounds like it was written by someone who doesn't use a computer much, or who
doesn't write or do any computer art.

But then it was found on a website, taken from a discussion list of some
sort, where it was probably written.

(I wonder what she's thinking computers would/should do if they weren't
limited by software or hardware? They couldn't chop wood, or fly.)
