
Has anyone had any experience with bats?? We have always had one bat in the
living room of our house and not minded too much, a little guano to vacuum but
not bad. He usually went out at night. We have a log house with a 22 foot
ceiling, so they are way at the top in a crevice on the ridge pole. This year we
have at least 3 in the house. We have no wish to harm the bats, and try to
live with them, but they are getting obnoxious!!! They fly around our fireplace
at night , we accidently caught one on flypaper, and we were devastated to not
be able to save him. A baby got stranded and we replaced him up high, and one
was in the toilet bowl the other morning at 1 am when I got up to use the
toilet. I think it was the baby, as he was flying around our bedroom the other
night, and flying into things and hanging from the curtains. He is very tiny.
So we are learning a lot about bats, in a cool way, but I have had enough of
them in the house. We also have a colony of about 100 in the flashing around
our chimney outside. I don't mind those, and we have fun watching them come out
at dusk. They are little brown bats, I thought of getting a plastic owl to
frighten them out of the house. Anyone else have any ideas or funny bat stories?

Nancy in BC, ducking the bats.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


I know a person who had bats in her attic, and one of her children was
bit, or she was, I can't remember, and the entire family had to undergo
rabies vacinations, which took weeks and was very expensive.


LOWRIEK@... wrote:

> Has anyone had any experience with bats?? We have always had one bat
> in the
> living room of our house and not minded too much, a little guano to
> vacuum but
> not bad. He usually went out at night. We have a log house with a 22 foot
> ceiling, so they are way at the top in a crevice on the ridge pole.
> This year we
> have at least 3 in the house. We have no wish to harm the bats, and
> try to
> live with them, but they are getting obnoxious!!! They fly around our
> fireplace
> at night , we accidently caught one on flypaper, and we were
> devastated to not
> be able to save him. A baby got stranded and we replaced him up high,
> and one
> was in the toilet bowl the other morning at 1 am when I got up to use the
> toilet. I think it was the baby, as he was flying around our bedroom
> the other
> night, and flying into things and hanging from the curtains. He is
> very tiny.
> So we are learning a lot about bats, in a cool way, but I have had
> enough of
> them in the house. We also have a colony of about 100 in the flashing
> around
> our chimney outside. I don't mind those, and we have fun watching them
> come out
> at dusk. They are little brown bats, I thought of getting a plastic
> owl to
> frighten them out of the house. Anyone else have any ideas or funny
> bat stories?
> Thanks,
> Nancy in BC, ducking the bats.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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In a message dated 22/07/2004 16:23:07 Pacific Daylight Time,
joylyn@... writes:

> I know a person who had bats in her attic, and one of her children was
> bit, or she was, I can't remember, and the entire family had to undergo
> rabies vacinations, which took weeks and was very expensive.

Thanks Joylyn, I have been looking into the health aspects of it, and we all
have talked about not handling any bats we see, and wearing thick gloves if we
have to do so. Apparently most of the cases of rabies in bats occur in a
silver haired bat, not the little brown bat we have. But we are being careful
Nancy in BC

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Deb Lewis

***We have a log house with a 22 foot
ceiling, so they are way at the top in a crevice on the ridge pole. This
year we
have at least 3 in the house. We have no wish to harm the bats, and try
live with them, but they are getting obnoxious!!! ***

I love you Nancy! <g>

Could you call a local wildlife biologist and get some ideas?

If you know where they come in and go out from your house you could build
a bat house, seal up their entryway when they're out and place the bat
house over that spot. Maybe they'd move into it.

I have a friend who's doing a bat study here in western MT and if I can
get ahold of her I'll ask what she thinks about friendly bat eviction.

Until then, can we come live with you? <g>



Wow, what a great story. Thanks for sharing.

--- In UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com, LOWRIEK@a... wrote:
> Has anyone had any experience with bats?? We have always had one
bat in the
> living room of our house and not minded too much, a little guano to
vacuum but
> not bad. He usually went out at night. We have a log house with a
22 foot
> ceiling, so they are way at the top in a crevice on the ridge pole.
This year we
> have at least 3 in the house. We have no wish to harm the bats, and
try to
> live with them, but they are getting obnoxious!!! They fly around
our fireplace
> at night , we accidently caught one on flypaper, and we were
devastated to not
> be able to save him. A baby got stranded and we replaced him up
high, and one
> was in the toilet bowl the other morning at 1 am when I got up to
use the
> toilet. I think it was the baby, as he was flying around our
bedroom the other
> night, and flying into things and hanging from the curtains. He is
very tiny.
> So we are learning a lot about bats, in a cool way, but I have had
enough of
> them in the house. We also have a colony of about 100 in the
flashing around
> our chimney outside. I don't mind those, and we have fun watching
them come out
> at dusk. They are little brown bats, I thought of getting a plastic
owl to
> frighten them out of the house. Anyone else have any ideas or funny
bat stories?
> Thanks,
> Nancy in BC, ducking the bats.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Again, the rabies vaccine can be given if YOU test positive for
rabies exposure. The vaccine has mercury in it I believe. "Mandatory"
vaccine may be what one is told by physcians and the emergency room,
but seek information independently before receiving any vaccine!
There is an opportunity to wait a limited period of time.


--- In UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com, joylyn <joylyn@e...>
> I know a person who had bats in her attic, and one of her children
> bit, or she was, I can't remember, and the entire family had to
> rabies vacinations, which took weeks and was very expensive.
> Joylyn
> LOWRIEK@a... wrote:
> > Has anyone had any experience with bats?? We have always had one
> > in the
> > living room of our house and not minded too much, a little guano
> > vacuum but
> > not bad. He usually went out at night. We have a log house with a
22 foot
> > ceiling, so they are way at the top in a crevice on the ridge
> > This year we
> > have at least 3 in the house. We have no wish to harm the bats,
> > try to
> > live with them, but they are getting obnoxious!!! They fly around
> > fireplace
> > at night , we accidently caught one on flypaper, and we were
> > devastated to not
> > be able to save him. A baby got stranded and we replaced him up
> > and one
> > was in the toilet bowl the other morning at 1 am when I got up to
use the
> > toilet. I think it was the baby, as he was flying around our
> > the other
> > night, and flying into things and hanging from the curtains. He
> > very tiny.
> > So we are learning a lot about bats, in a cool way, but I have
> > enough of
> > them in the house. We also have a colony of about 100 in the
> > around
> > our chimney outside. I don't mind those, and we have fun watching
> > come out
> > at dusk. They are little brown bats, I thought of getting a
> > owl to
> > frighten them out of the house. Anyone else have any ideas or
> > bat stories?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Nancy in BC, ducking the bats.
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> > "List Posting Policies" are provided in the files area of this
> >
> > Visit the Unschooling website and message boards:
> > http://www.unschooling.com
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> > * To visit your group on the web, go to:
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/UnschoolingDiscussion/
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> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Deirdre Aycock

Nancy - We have had bats in our attic at least twice. The first time, we
got netting and hung over the opening they were using to get in. As the
bats come out of the opening they are using as a door, they drop down and
start flying. But when they come back in the morning, they can't get under
the netting to get back inside. After a few days, they had found somewhere
else to live, and we sprayed foam insulation into the hole they had been
using. If they have babies, though, they will, of course, come up with
another way to get in to them.
The next time they moved into the attic, they used an opening that we
couldn't get the netting to hang over correctly. So we went into the attic
and set off bug bombs. I had read they just don't like the smell, but the
poison can't be good for them either! This isn't really an option for you,
I guess, since your ceiling height is so high. Besides, the bug spray would
also drive you out of the house! A friend of ours used wasp spray, but he
was spraying it into a hole he drilled into a wall. Maybe spraying just the
opening they are using with wasp spray would work. I guess I am assuming
you know how they are getting in, aren't I?
Dh and I had a bat in our bedroom once that started flying around when
we turned off the light. We could hear it, of course, but didn't know what
it was--just that something was alive and moving! We turned on the light,
but couldn't get out of bed because every time we sat up, the bat swooped
back down as it cirlced the room, and we'd fall back to avoid it. I don't
remember how we finally got out of bed to catch it, but we still laugh about
being stuck in bed for a few minutes, trying to figure it out!
Good luck! Deirdre

----- Original Message -----
From: <LOWRIEK@...>
Subject: [UnschoolingDiscussion] Bats!!!

> Has anyone had any experience with bats??


In a message dated 22/07/2004 17:50:33 Pacific Daylight Time,
ddzimlew@... writes:

> Until then, can we come live with you? <g>

Oh, yes please!!!!!! I found a site on bat conservation today, and it talks
about bat exclusion, and shows some actual plans on how to keep them from
coming back in, but we have to wait for the end of August so the maternal period
will be over. Yikes!!!! If we seal it up now we run the risk of sealing the babe
in and it dying. Can't do that after all this time.We are learning a
phenomenal amount about Chiroptera, and loving it. Just wish they weren't in the house
and my bedroom.
Getting ready for bed, hoping not to have bats tonight.
Nancy in BC, yawning

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


In a message dated 22/07/2004 22:11:00 Pacific Daylight Time,
aycock@... writes:

> . I guess I am assuming
> you know how they are getting in, aren't I?

We have some tiny holes at the end of the ridge poles, they can squeeze into
anything. I hav seen the net idea, and will try it I think.
The swooping int he bedroom sent me screaming and hiding under the covers, I
can not control that, I just get really weirded out about them flying near me,
as much as I try to tell myself that they won't hurt me. I like them, just
not near me or in my bedroom. I also couldn't find a way to get out of the bed.
Glad to hear your story, it made me feel not so silly.
Nancy in BC

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Dana Matt

Can't do that after all this
> time.We are learning a
> phenomenal amount about Chiroptera, and loving it.
> Just wish they weren't in the house
> and my bedroom.
> Getting ready for bed, hoping not to have bats
> tonight.
> Nancy in BC, yawning

Just remember, they are swooping over you to eat the
mosquiots you are attracting :)

I wish I had a house full of them here!!!
in MOSQUITO-Y Montana :)

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail is new and improved - Check it out!


In a message dated 23/07/2004 08:38:18 Pacific Daylight Time,
hoffmanwilson@... writes:

> Just remember, they are swooping over you to eat the
> mosquiots you are attracting :)

YOu know, we did notice a real difference in the amount of insects in the
house this year, we usually have moths and mosquitoes and others here, but not so
much this year. Could be the clean up crew!
Nancy inBC

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Cornerstone Community Farm

On Friday 23 July 2004 12:09 am, Deirdre Aycock wrote:
> > Has anyone had any experience with bats??
Bats are wonderful creatures, and a good chance for spontaneous
You might also try to read up on how to create a home for them in a safe
place...special bat "house" or garage attic.
They eat TONS of mosquitoes...
A organic farmers best friend!


In a message dated 30/07/2004 10:14:40 Pacific Daylight Time,
joyfullife@... writes:

> They eat TONS of mosquitoes...

We have the neighbor kids coming over to do bat-counts at night, we all ate
popsicles and counted. WE got up to 184 last night. They swoop and soar and we
now know why the bugs have not been so bad around here this year. We are
learning a lot about bats and the neighbors are as well.
We have named the baby that lives int he house Bartholemew, Bart Bat for
short. He is funny, and not such a great flyer yet. WE have rescued him a few
times now.
there is a great website, called batcon.org, that is all about bat
conservation and education. IT has pics of all the bats you might need to know
about.Fun stuff.
Nancy in Batty BC

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


On my birthday, at about 9:00 pm, a bat somehow got into the house. It was
swooping around, my daughter was squealing, the whole family was laughing and
running from it (Picture the movie Black Sheep). It finally came to rest on a
bookshelf near the front door, so we opened it and "swooshed" it out.

I thought, Wow, what a great way to end my birthday!

Nancy B.

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