
My favorites to tell your librarian are:

Teach Your Own--John Holt
Family Matters: Why Homeschooling Makes Sense--David Guterson
Better Than School--Nancy Wallace
The Homeschooling Handbook--Mary Griffith
The Teenage Liberation Handbook--Grace Llewellyn
And What About College?--Cafi Cohen
The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook--Raymond and Dorothy Moore
Relaxed Homeschooling and Joyful Homeschooling--both by Mary Hood
The Unschooling Handbook--Mary Griffith
A Patchwork of Days (stories from about 30 homeschoolers)--Nancy Lande
Dumbing Us Down--John Taylor Gatto (the first one one I recommend people read)
I Learn Better by Teaching Myself--Agnes Lestico (there's a follow up called Still Teaching Ourselves)

There's even more than this! (I think I have them all as I collect them.)

A really fun one (out of print, but maybe your library system has it) is called: The Day I Became and Autodidact--Kendall Hailey.

Sandi, the autodidact