
Hi All!

I have been on this list for quite a while (several months?) and
this is my first post. The discussions are so great that I really
appreciate being a part of them, even though I'm just sitting here
at the computer smiling, laughing, crying, etc. to myself. I rarely
post on lists because I'm relatively new to unschooling and feel I
have more to learn than contribute at this point. I find if I wait,
my views on a topic are usually posted by someone else, in a much
better way than I had thought of!LOL

Anyway, I wanted to add that the Certificate of Empowerment was
great for me as I started unschooling. I was one of those people who
NEEDED it, and sometimes still do. Although, I don't have it right
up on my desk anymore, I know right where it is if I need to pull it
out and refer to it. I understood the paragraph in question, I
think, because I was already learning about unschooling. I do see
how it could be misconstrued by parents wanting to control their
children more, unfortunately. I really like the way Rue suggested to
reword it, if you feel like changing it at all, Sandra.

Well, that's my opinion (plus alot more). I guess it's good I don't
post too often, you see how wordy I tend to be. (I just remembered
how I used to get KISS on my English papers in school all the time.
I guess I just refuse to be controlled!LOL) Thanks to all who do
post. Don't stop, I'm learning and growing thanks to YOU.
