Sonia Ulan

Hi Lynda!

I've been out-of-town and am only JUST geting my old email...You've
probably had a ton of responses already but here I go anyway...
Yes, I've done homemade dills: Just use some decent water (spring water
sometimes works better if your stuff out of the tap isn't great), and
make a brine with coarse salt (not iodized table salt). You'll also
need whole cloves of garlic and a big old head of dill (not baby dill,
but get it before it's totally seed). Pack your very clean mason jars
with scrubbed small cukes, put in your garlic (there's no such thing as
too much), add the dill and top up with the brine.(Water and salt
brought to a boil, then cooled slightly. You might have to go by taste
here; the water should taste like salty sea water) Seal with rubber
seals and leave to rest at least a couple of weeks. A couple months is
usually better.

Lynda wrote:
> Strawberries need to be sort of sliced depending on how plump they are. If
> you slice them too thin they turn into hard little waffers. We buy
> seedless watermelons and a really delicious seedless yellow watermelon.
> You slice it about an 1/8th to a 1/4 inch thick. We have two dehydraters,
> one of those round things and a combo convection oven/dehydrator. Just lay
> them on the trays and check them after a few hours and flip them over once.
> We also do bananas but you need to dip them in lemon juice so they don't
> turn brown (commercial banana chips are treated with sulfur and lord knows
> what else). The big kidlet's favorite (hubby <g>) is pears and we also do
> apples. We are going to try some other types of fruit this year and also
> fruit leathers.
> I do onions and peppers and put them in old mayo and pickle jars and then
> just grab a handful to toss in soups and stews during the off season.
> Also, in a sneaky way to get hubby more involved, I bought "him" a smoker
> for Christmas. We are going to smoke salmon (his BIG favorite) when they
> are running this year. I also bought "him" a copy of Back to Basics which
> has home smoking recipes in it for bacon and ham, etc. <<<BEWG>>>
> We are going to try making our own pickles this year. Has/does anyone
> done/do that?
> Lynda
> ----------
> > From: Jaam1224@...
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] getting hubby to accept diet/ Dr Weil
> > Date: Sunday, June 04, 2000 5:11 AM
> >
> > In a message dated 6/4/00 3:12:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> > lurine@... writes:
> >
> > << dehydrate things like strawberries and watermelon. The kidlets
> > would rather have these than candy!
> > >>
> > Please share how you do this....This is a great idea.
> > Happy Mothering,
> > Julie
> > Mommy to Ali and Matthew, Wife to a Great Man, Adam
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