
I've been following the discussion about letting go of the demands
we make on our children with great interest, and have been making a
point to ask for help more often as opposed to giving directions.
Also been working on patience levels and discussing my efforts with
my daughter a bit so she understands why I'm changing course

Yesterday she said two things to show me it's working, and that
she's hearing and wants to help the process. I wanted to share.

We need to pull up our kitchen floor, and as I was folding laundry
she wanted me to play with her. I told her as soon as I finished
working I would, and that if she wanted she could help me pull up
the floor. "Only if I want to?" she asked. I said yes, that if she
didn't want to she could play instead, and she said, "Oh, good. I
only wanted to help if I didn't have to unless I wanted to."

Later she came into the room where I was working and said, "I have
three special stickers Mommy. I'm going to tell you about them. On
this hand is a heart, because you should always love your children.
On this hand is a flower, because you should always smell flowers
before you pick them. (Nobody's ever said this to her as far as I
know.) And on my forehead is a smiley face, because you should
always smile at your children, even when you're angry." Afully good
parenting advice, I thought!
