Amy Childs

Hello there, you very cool group of smart and inspiring unschoolers, you-

I have been "lurking" (that sounds so sordid) on this list for a while (as
wisely instructed by the guidelines), and although it is a little
overwhelming to follow all the threads and stay on top of the volume, it has
been a breath of fresh air to have my inbox so full of your thoughts on so
many topics. It is a privilege to witness the integrity and scrupulous
nature of many of the postings. (Actually more like a hurricane - but a
friendly one!) I thought I had invented "unschooling" (I hadn't come up
with that name for it - I called it "essential self schooling for kids"
inspired by Martha Beck) and was hiding-out in my house hoping I didn't get
arrested for it. What an incredible pleasure and relief it has been to find
you all!

My ex husband recently lost his job and it seems as if our finances and
living arrangements will soon drastically change. The biggest fear that I
have is that I will have to work full-time, and will no longer be able to be
home with my girls (ages 11 and 13) during the day. Are there any 'working'
(out of the home) single unschooling moms (parents) out there? I would love
to hear anyone's thoughts (working or no, single or no) about how to make it
work. I can't bear to think of the girls going back to school- it makes my
blood curl! It feels irresponsible to leave them alone all day, but the
alternatives are equally frightening. All brainstorming welcome!!

(Or maybe you know someone in the Philadelphia area who wants to have an
unschooling mom and kids move in with them? We bring with us singing, good
cheer, organization, meal cooking, babysitting and laughter!)



Hi Amy,

I'm mostly a lurker myself... but, I am a single working unschooler - so I thought I'd pop in a note...

It is hard to leave a child home - and I think it really depends on the child. Mine is an only child - but very self-sufficient. Your daughters have each other - but do they get along well together? Happily, I have the kind of job where my son and I can check in with each other several times a day (and often, a few times an hour!). I always know what's going on. I love the calls that start with "Mom! guess what I just found out!"...

It can be done - and I admit, it was very rough on us both at first - but, it's been like this for over a year now - and he's just blossoming. And it's like a party most nights when I get home! We celebrate the time together and talk about everything that's gone on - and what's on the plate for the next day... Weekends become our mini-vacations as we go out and explore things - and he picks up a new interest that will spark even more of those phone calls I love the next week.

Good Luck! and Take care,


-----Original Message-----
From: Amy Childs <amyc@...>
Sent: May 26, 2004 7:33 PM
Subject: [UnschoolingDiscussion] single working unschoolers?

Hello there, you very cool group of smart and inspiring unschoolers, you-

I have been "lurking" (that sounds so sordid) on this list for a while (as
wisely instructed by the guidelines), and although it is a little
overwhelming to follow all the threads and stay on top of the volume, it has
been a breath of fresh air to have my inbox so full of your thoughts on so
many topics. It is a privilege to witness the integrity and scrupulous
nature of many of the postings. (Actually more like a hurricane - but a
friendly one!) I thought I had invented "unschooling" (I hadn't come up
with that name for it - I called it "essential self schooling for kids"
inspired by Martha Beck) and was hiding-out in my house hoping I didn't get
arrested for it. What an incredible pleasure and relief it has been to find
you all!

My ex husband recently lost his job and it seems as if our finances and
living arrangements will soon drastically change. The biggest fear that I
have is that I will have to work full-time, and will no longer be able to be
home with my girls (ages 11 and 13) during the day. Are there any 'working'
(out of the home) single unschooling moms (parents) out there? I would love
to hear anyone's thoughts (working or no, single or no) about how to make it
work. I can't bear to think of the girls going back to school- it makes my
blood curl! It feels irresponsible to leave them alone all day, but the
alternatives are equally frightening. All brainstorming welcome!!

(Or maybe you know someone in the Philadelphia area who wants to have an
unschooling mom and kids move in with them? We bring with us singing, good
cheer, organization, meal cooking, babysitting and laughter!)


"List Posting Policies" are provided in the files area of this group.

Visit the Unschooling website and message boards:
Yahoo! Groups Links

Jason & Stephanie

(Or maybe you know someone in the Philadelphia area who wants to have an
unschooling mom and kids move in with them? We bring with us singing, good
cheer, organization, meal cooking, babysitting and laughter!)


*****Amy, I have no advice about being single and working, but I thought I would tell you about PA-Unschoolers, it's a yahoo group, because there seems to be lots of people in that area.
Stephanie in NW PA

"List Posting Policies" are provided in the files area of this group.

Visit the Unschooling website and message boards:

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Deirdre Aycock

> (Or maybe you know someone in the Philadelphia area who wants to have an
> unschooling mom and kids move in with them? We bring with us singing,
> cheer, organization, meal cooking, babysitting and laughter!)
> amy
Could you consider moving to Alabama? Moving the kids away from their dad
and friends might not be a good thing, but I have been wishing for this sort
of arrangement. We have a big house (6,000 sq. ft.), two kids (12 ds and 10
dd), a stable marriage, and my husband's income is reliable. For us, it
would mean paying more for food and a little more for utilities, and
rearranging the house so it accommodates two families. Not much of a
downside there. It's a thought, and it will have me daydreaming all day!!
You can email me privately if you'd like. Deirdre


Here's the link:


> *****Amy, I have no advice about being single and working, but I
thought I would tell you about PA-Unschoolers, it's a yahoo group,
because there seems to be lots of people in that area.
> Stephanie in NW PA

Hey, there~ I'm originally from Philadelphia but now in NM. I am a single,
unschooling mom and we barely get by but it's a choice I've made money vs. being
there for my son. It can be sooo hard...I really don't have any concrete
suggestions but just wanted you to know there's someone else out there in similiar
circumstances. I'm working at home freelance editing and just started
writing. I'm also an Usborne books educational consultant and know of people making
very comfortable incomes that way.

We are very, very, very blessed in that my parents help out tremendously. I
put a nice sized down payment on our house and my parents are currently, paying
the we co-own it, but the house is in their name and it has
almost doubled in value. It's a pretty safe and lucrative investment and I will
pay them back when we decide to sell or when I'm making more money.

Would it be possible to caretake a house or help on a farm in exchange for
free housing and living expenses? There are so many homes in Bucks County (and
all over PA) that are second and third homes w/guesthouses or private wings.
Perhaps you could post flyers in the area? There is a Fresh Fields in or around
Jenkintown, that may be a place to start and also Newtown, Yardley, New Hope
and across the river there. Also, Lancaster County is up and coming and trendy
w/huge homes so ythat may be an option, too.

Good Luck!

In a message dated 5/27/04 6:37:03 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
> I can't bear to think of the girls going back to school- it makes my
> blood curl! It feels irresponsible to leave them alone all day, but the
> alternatives are equally frightening. All brainstorming welcome!!
> (Or maybe you know someone in the Philadelphia area who wants to have an
> unschooling mom and kids move in with them? We bring with us singing, good
> cheer, organization, meal cooking, babysitting and laughter!)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]