Cally Brown

For two days now I have been unable to sign on to the
message boards. I have sent an e-mail to them but had no response, and
thought that someone here might have some ideas for me. The message reads:

The username and password combination you supplied is not valid. You may
receive this message for several reasons:

1) The username and password you entered are not correct

2) The board administrator or a moderator has denied you permission to
edit your profile

3) You recently changed your password but did not log out and then back
in to activate your new password

4) You did not supply your current password, but attempted to log in
with a password that was stored in a cookie -- you must manually enter
your password into the box to edit your profile

Please contact Home Education <mailto:unschool@...> if
this problem persists. <mailto:unschool@...>


But none of these apply! Everything is saved to come up automatically
when I go to the new mesasge page. I have changed nothing.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


on 5/12/04 8:54 PM, Cally Brown at mjcmbrwn@... wrote:

> For two days now I have been unable to sign on to the
> message boards. I have sent an e-mail to them but had no response, and
> thought that someone here might have some ideas for me. The message reads:

Just check off the option to check for posts in the Last Day and it should
go right in. It's trying to look at posts since you last checked that's
causing the problems.


In a message dated 5/12/04 8:26:04 PM, fetteroll@... writes:

<< > For two days now I have been unable to sign on to the
> message boards. I have sent an e-mail to them but had no response, and
> thought that someone here might have some ideas for me. The message reads:

<<Just check off the option to check for posts in the Last Day and it should
go right in. It's trying to look at posts since you last checked that's
causing the problems. >>


I put in how many hours (top option, number, hours), and that's working okay.


Cally Brown

Thanks Joyce and Sandra - that worked for me - I was getting paranoid
about being picked on - our computer has also had several hissy fits
over the last few days, doing things for no apparent reason. Hopefully
they are all sorted now, with this last problem solved.

Now, back to reading the message boards.


Fetteroll wrote:

>on 5/12/04 8:54 PM, Cally Brown at mjcmbrwn@... wrote:
>>For two days now I have been unable to sign on to the
>>message boards. I have sent an e-mail to them but had no response, and
>>thought that someone here might have some ideas for me. The message reads:
>Just check off the option to check for posts in the Last Day and it should
>go right in. It's trying to look at posts since you last checked that's
>causing the problems.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


on 5/13/04 3:15 AM, Cally Brown at mjcmbrwn@... wrote:

>> Just check off the option to check for posts in the Last Day and it should
>> go right in. It's trying to look at posts since you last checked that's
>> causing the problems.

Even better than the above ... Someone discovered that if you do "Instant
Registration" that it will remember who you are, display your old profile
and all you need do is change the temporary password.

So click on Profile at the bottom of the page, click on Instant
Registration, then fill in your old user name. It will give you a new
temporary password. Write that down. Log into your profile, scroll to the
bottom and change your password to a better one, save it and then all is
