
>>>>My 14 y.o. is fascinated with war history (watches "Mail Call"
frequently), weaponry of all eras AND many, many other complex
machines. He's also a peace activist.
Why would I limit his interest in history and weapons, just because
there are other things to explore?<<<<<

I'm a pacifist. I didn't want "war weapons" in my house (with #1 son), but
eventually relented. I would move to another country to avoid sending my boys to
war. I avoid "war news" and articles.


I can't get enough of war movies (although I don't care for Viet Nam
movies----too close to home???)---especially WWII and earlier. I'm married to a
Citadel graduate (never thought THAT would happen in a million years! <g>) who was
also Air Force and is now Air National Guard. I love Mail Call too----and the
History Channel is my favorite channel. I watched Spartacus the last two
nights----rather bloodless battles! Caesar and Napolean and Stalin and ----they're
all fair game. The Inquistion? Love it.

Pre-gun weaponry----fascinating. Torture devices? Ugh! But fascinating.

Hate war. Hate violence.

Hate having no computer for ten days! <g> Sorry I'm so late chiming in!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Ren Allen

"I'm married to a
Citadel graduate (never thought THAT would happen in a million
years! <g>)"

And whoduthunk a Citadel graduate would be a huge advocate for
UNschooling!!? Ben's a cool guy.
But then, you're a really cool gal Kelly...I'm not surprised.

Glad you're back, I was just starting to worry!
