Lisa Poland


I am considering unschooling my Edison Trait/Hunter 7 year-old son. I
haven't the faintest clue as to where to start! What is really
involved? Can it be realistically be done in a small, rural
Midwestern community? Will I stay sane? ;)

Lisa :)

CA Nelson

Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Considering Unschooling for my Edison Trait son Lisa-
   I'm planning to unschool my one-year-old and I also live in a fairly small, rural Midwestern community. Just joining this list and a couple others has helped me discover that there are a ton of home/unschoolers right near me. I'm sure someone has great book recommendations to help you get started. I have to do that myself.

Amy Nelson
Mama to Accalia (6/14/99)
"The hardest to learn was the least complicated." - The Indigo Girls
From: "Lisa Poland" <polands_r_us@...>

I am considering unschooling my Edison Trait/Hunter 7 year-old son. I
haven't the faintest clue as to where to start! What is really
involved? Can it be realistically be done in a small, rural
Midwestern community? Will I stay sane? ;)