
Thanks Karen,
My hubby is away on business, so I am a single mom so to speak and I have
been sooo tempted to hook up the VCR several times just to get a break....
but I keep think of how hard it was to break the "habit" and have resisted
temptation. We haven't had the tv on in almost a week with the exception of
one 30 min show for Ali, while I chatted on line with family and about 10 min
Saturday night before bed. I can't say that I have missed it. I just
thought "what shall we do now?" then off to do something else, like tons of
reading....a good thing. Ali is loving it.....

Hubby will be back on Friday, while I am excited to see him, I sooooo shall
miss the quiet, peaceful evenings. Both the kids and I are much more relaxed
without the blaring box.

I not sure what to do about this evening tv thing....with my hubby... anyone
have anything that worked for them...I guess I can disassemble it somehow
(both of them) but knowing my hubby he would race out the door to get a new
one...I would never be able to keep a straight face if I tried to tell him it
is not working. He would know I was up to something. I can't keep anything
from him, knows me too well.....hee hee hee



In a message dated 6/13/00 10:28:12 PM Central Daylight Time, Jaam1224@...

<< not sure what to do about this evening tv thing....with my hubby...
have anything that worked for them...I guess I can disassemble it somehow >>
Hee hee-- let me know if you get away with it. :) Well, my boys are
watching 1 hour this morning while I am online. Then everything is off until
later this afternoon. My boys are not really into reading like many kids are
already. They do not *yet* have this passion for books that I hope will one
day occur. They see dh and myself with books constantly, and they have an
enormous book shelf full, but the interest is really hit and miss at this
point. My oldest will be 6 at the end of Sept. and my 2nd oldest will be 4
at the end of Nov. So, it does not seem to me to unusual at all that they
are not reading or want to be read to the majority of the time, but still, I
look forward to when it does happen! ~Karen

Holly Atchison


Wish I had a good idea for you but I dont sorry. =( Let me know if you
find one so I can use it too!

Holly =)

>From: HPaulson5@...
>Reply-To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
>To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
>Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re:tv
>Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 10:41:12 EDT
>In a message dated 6/13/00 10:28:12 PM Central Daylight Time,
><< not sure what to do about this evening tv thing....with my hubby...
> have anything that worked for them...I guess I can disassemble it somehow
> >>
>Hee hee-- let me know if you get away with it. :) Well, my boys are
>watching 1 hour this morning while I am online. Then everything is off
>later this afternoon. My boys are not really into reading like many kids
>already. They do not *yet* have this passion for books that I hope will
>day occur. They see dh and myself with books constantly, and they have an
>enormous book shelf full, but the interest is really hit and miss at this
>point. My oldest will be 6 at the end of Sept. and my 2nd oldest will be 4
>at the end of Nov. So, it does not seem to me to unusual at all that they
>are not reading or want to be read to the majority of the time, but still,
>look forward to when it does happen! ~Karen
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Dewar Charles R

Go for walks?

-----Original Message-----
From: Holly Atchison [mailto:HollyAtch@...]
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 6:43 AM
To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re:tv


Wish I had a good idea for you but I dont sorry. =( Let me know if you
find one so I can use it too!

Holly =)

>From: HPaulson5@...
>Reply-To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
>To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
>Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re:tv
>Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 10:41:12 EDT
>In a message dated 6/13/00 10:28:12 PM Central Daylight Time,
><< not sure what to do about this evening tv thing....with my hubby...
> have anything that worked for them...I guess I can disassemble it somehow

> >>
>Hee hee-- let me know if you get away with it. :) Well, my boys are
>watching 1 hour this morning while I am online. Then everything is off
>later this afternoon. My boys are not really into reading like many kids
>already. They do not *yet* have this passion for books that I hope will
>day occur. They see dh and myself with books constantly, and they have an
>enormous book shelf full, but the interest is really hit and miss at this
>point. My oldest will be 6 at the end of Sept. and my 2nd oldest will be 4
>at the end of Nov. So, it does not seem to me to unusual at all that they
>are not reading or want to be read to the majority of the time, but still,
>look forward to when it does happen! ~Karen
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if I can get my dh interested.... I have to be able to get him unhooked
first. hee hee hee