Re: [UnschoolingDiscussion] Re: Unschooling just happens, and we are a Christ...
In a message dated 3/14/2004 4:40:11 PM Mountain Standard Time,
ben2edge@... writes:
Yes, there are many strict types, however, I do personally know of
other faiths and groups that do promote their agenda, exlude others
from their "groups" and socialization is limited w/ others.
Like what?
Each time this come up people will say things to that effect, but I've yet to
hear real examples instead of just hopeful hypotheticals.
One of the times we talked about spanking someone asserted that spankers come
from every religion andsocial group, not just Christians. Maybe. But the
challenge was put for someone to come up with a pro-spanking site that wasn't
Christian. We didn't get one, I don't think.
-=-If anyone is interested in what follows please
check this book out, as I have already taken too much of Sandra's
Everyone's time, but that's okay. It's what the list is for.
I realize Christian unschoolers get the triple whammy where other unschoolers
only get the double. Wehave to answer to schoolers and school-at-homers.
Christian unschoolers seem to feel the need to answer for other Christians, but
they can't and shouldn't. I would rather they would just say "Yes, we know
there's a big organized Christian homeschooling movement." Because the rest of
us know there are Christians who are NOT part of that group. Nothing we say
or do here will change the reality of the size, organization and intent of
Christian Homeschooling of the strictly-structured sort.
My kids have Christian friends they make allowances for when the're visiting.
We're not anti-Christian. I'm personally anti anti-child people. I have no
patience or understanding for people who intend to break children's spirits.
Some of those spirits stay broken for life, and it's hard for me to be
hopeful about my whole kids having to go ou tand deal with broken-spirited people
who wish their parents had respected them more (but might not realize what they
wish after they learn not to look back at their childhoods).
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
ben2edge@... writes:
Yes, there are many strict types, however, I do personally know of
other faiths and groups that do promote their agenda, exlude others
from their "groups" and socialization is limited w/ others.
Like what?
Each time this come up people will say things to that effect, but I've yet to
hear real examples instead of just hopeful hypotheticals.
One of the times we talked about spanking someone asserted that spankers come
from every religion andsocial group, not just Christians. Maybe. But the
challenge was put for someone to come up with a pro-spanking site that wasn't
Christian. We didn't get one, I don't think.
-=-If anyone is interested in what follows please
check this book out, as I have already taken too much of Sandra's
Everyone's time, but that's okay. It's what the list is for.
I realize Christian unschoolers get the triple whammy where other unschoolers
only get the double. Wehave to answer to schoolers and school-at-homers.
Christian unschoolers seem to feel the need to answer for other Christians, but
they can't and shouldn't. I would rather they would just say "Yes, we know
there's a big organized Christian homeschooling movement." Because the rest of
us know there are Christians who are NOT part of that group. Nothing we say
or do here will change the reality of the size, organization and intent of
Christian Homeschooling of the strictly-structured sort.
My kids have Christian friends they make allowances for when the're visiting.
We're not anti-Christian. I'm personally anti anti-child people. I have no
patience or understanding for people who intend to break children's spirits.
Some of those spirits stay broken for life, and it's hard for me to be
hopeful about my whole kids having to go ou tand deal with broken-spirited people
who wish their parents had respected them more (but might not realize what they
wish after they learn not to look back at their childhoods).
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
--- In, SandraDodd@a... wrote:
is because from past experiences I've found it accomplishes nothing
but to put others on the defense. Anyway, I'm ready to move on to
other topics, like how my daughter explained to one of her new
friends today how she learns w/out using school books and going to
school. Her explaination to the friend was: daughter, "do you bake?"
friend, "yes", daughter,"well then that's math and reading, plus
everything that happens and you do, you learn from". friend, "Oh,
okay, do you want to ride the scooters?"
I learn so much from kids! :)
> In a message dated 3/14/2004 4:40:11 PM Mountain Standard Time,Sandra, the reason I won't name any other organizations or religions
> ben2edge@y... writes:
is because from past experiences I've found it accomplishes nothing
but to put others on the defense. Anyway, I'm ready to move on to
other topics, like how my daughter explained to one of her new
friends today how she learns w/out using school books and going to
school. Her explaination to the friend was: daughter, "do you bake?"
friend, "yes", daughter,"well then that's math and reading, plus
everything that happens and you do, you learn from". friend, "Oh,
okay, do you want to ride the scooters?"
I learn so much from kids! :)
--- SandraDodd@... wrote:
As a Christian unschooler, there is a compelling need
to separate myself from the huge majority of the
Christian Homeschooling Movement, and this
overwhelming need to say, "But that isn't me!" when I
hear generalizations made about Christian
I want people to know clearly and unmistakenly, that
there ARE Christians unschoolers, there ARE
Christians, even those who hold fundamentalist
beliefs, that do not buy into the HSLDA mantra, and
that even though we are a small minority, we do exist.
Sometimes I feel like the Hoos on Horton the
Elephant's little truffla tuft who are shouting "WE
ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE!" hoping that they
will be heard.
When a new Christian unschooler comes to this list,
they might not realize that this discussion has been
gone over so many times, and they are feeling like the
little Hoo shouting. They don't realize, when the
generalizations are mentioned, that it has already
been established and is pretty much a given here that
christians who are here are unschoolers, don't fit the
general mold and stereotype, etc. They have been told
by all those whammies that they can't possibly be what
they say they are, and they feel defensive.
I know I don't want to answer for other Christians and
the school-at-homers. I just want to answer for me.
--Susan in VA
"Art is a reflection of God's creativity, an evidence we are made in the image of God." -- Francis Schaeffer
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>This is so true, but it is really, really hard to do.
> I realize Christian unschoolers get the triple
> whammy where other unschoolers
> only get the double. Wehave to answer to schoolers
> and school-at-homers.
> Christian unschoolers seem to feel the need to
> answer for other Christians, but
> they can't and shouldn't. I would rather they would
> just say "Yes, we know
> there's a big organized Christian homeschooling
> movement." Because the rest of
> us know there are Christians who are NOT part of
> that group. Nothing we say
> or do here will change the reality of the size,
> organization and intent of
> Christian Homeschooling of the strictly-structured
> sort.
As a Christian unschooler, there is a compelling need
to separate myself from the huge majority of the
Christian Homeschooling Movement, and this
overwhelming need to say, "But that isn't me!" when I
hear generalizations made about Christian
I want people to know clearly and unmistakenly, that
there ARE Christians unschoolers, there ARE
Christians, even those who hold fundamentalist
beliefs, that do not buy into the HSLDA mantra, and
that even though we are a small minority, we do exist.
Sometimes I feel like the Hoos on Horton the
Elephant's little truffla tuft who are shouting "WE
ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE!" hoping that they
will be heard.
When a new Christian unschooler comes to this list,
they might not realize that this discussion has been
gone over so many times, and they are feeling like the
little Hoo shouting. They don't realize, when the
generalizations are mentioned, that it has already
been established and is pretty much a given here that
christians who are here are unschoolers, don't fit the
general mold and stereotype, etc. They have been told
by all those whammies that they can't possibly be what
they say they are, and they feel defensive.
I know I don't want to answer for other Christians and
the school-at-homers. I just want to answer for me.
--Susan in VA
"Art is a reflection of God's creativity, an evidence we are made in the image of God." -- Francis Schaeffer
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam
In a message dated 3/14/04 7:35:26 PM, ben2edge@... writes:
<< Sandra, the reason I won't name any other organizations or religions
is because from past experiences I've found it accomplishes nothing
but to put others on the defense. >>
<<I learn so much from kids! :)>>
If your kids asked you to back a statement up would you say "I'm not going
From the posting guidelines for this list:
"4. If you have a belief or practice that you don't want held up to public
examination, don't post it to the list. "
Is ANYone here able to name a group that fits this description, since the
author of the statement declines to back up her personal assertion?
-=-I do personally know of
other faiths and groups that do promote their agenda, exlude others
from their "groups" and socialization is limited w/ others. -=-
Other faiths and groups like what?
I think it's a good thing to model for children, and a good thing for
personal integrity, if an adult is able to back down if she's wrong. I've known
adults who didn't want to say "sorry" or "wrong" to children, or to anyone,
and I'm sorry, but that's wrong. <g>
<< Sandra, the reason I won't name any other organizations or religions
is because from past experiences I've found it accomplishes nothing
but to put others on the defense. >>
<<I learn so much from kids! :)>>
If your kids asked you to back a statement up would you say "I'm not going
From the posting guidelines for this list:
"4. If you have a belief or practice that you don't want held up to public
examination, don't post it to the list. "
Is ANYone here able to name a group that fits this description, since the
author of the statement declines to back up her personal assertion?
-=-I do personally know of
other faiths and groups that do promote their agenda, exlude others
from their "groups" and socialization is limited w/ others. -=-
Other faiths and groups like what?
I think it's a good thing to model for children, and a good thing for
personal integrity, if an adult is able to back down if she's wrong. I've known
adults who didn't want to say "sorry" or "wrong" to children, or to anyone,
and I'm sorry, but that's wrong. <g>
In a message dated 03/15/2004 11:09:48 AM Eastern Standard Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:
support group being limited? Or do you mean more loosely any homeschool
"group" of any kind that does this? JJ
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
SandraDodd@... writes:
> Is ANYone here able to name a group that fits this description, since theDoes it have to be a religious agenda being promoted, and an IRL local
> author of the statement declines to back up her personal assertion?
> -=-I do personally know of
> other faiths and groups that do promote their agenda, exlude others
> from their "groups" and socialization is limited w/ others. -=-
> Other faiths and groups like what?
> Anybody?
support group being limited? Or do you mean more loosely any homeschool
"group" of any kind that does this? JJ
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
In a message dated 3/15/04 9:18:35 AM, jrossedd@... writes:
<< Does it have to be a religious agenda being promoted, and an IRL local
support group being limited? Or do you mean more loosely any homeschool
"group" of any kind that does this? JJ >>
The quote, in defense of statement-of-faith Christian homeschooling groups,
was this:
-=-I do personally know of
Yes, there might be groups with names like "Catholic homeschoolers" or "LDS
homeschoolers" and people might reasonably assume that people of other
religions don't have good business being there. But they're upfront. They call
them what they are. And I've never known a Mormon or Catholic family that
prevented their kids from playing with kids outside their faith, but I HAVE known
fundamentalist families who have done so, and sometimes not in subtle ways.
<< Does it have to be a religious agenda being promoted, and an IRL local
support group being limited? Or do you mean more loosely any homeschool
"group" of any kind that does this? JJ >>
The quote, in defense of statement-of-faith Christian homeschooling groups,
was this:
-=-I do personally know of
> other faiths and groups that do promote their agenda, exlude othersOther groups like statement-of-faith Christian homeschooling groups, is my
> from their "groups" and socialization is limited w/ others. -=-
Yes, there might be groups with names like "Catholic homeschoolers" or "LDS
homeschoolers" and people might reasonably assume that people of other
religions don't have good business being there. But they're upfront. They call
them what they are. And I've never known a Mormon or Catholic family that
prevented their kids from playing with kids outside their faith, but I HAVE known
fundamentalist families who have done so, and sometimes not in subtle ways.
Have a Nice Day!
I have to say I agree with Sandra on this.
Please don't mention that you "know of certain groups" if you aren't willing to name them.
Its not for you to decide if it "accomplishes nothing".
Please don't mention that you "know of certain groups" if you aren't willing to name them.
Its not for you to decide if it "accomplishes nothing".
----- Original Message -----
From: SandraDodd@...
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [UnschoolingDiscussion] Re: Unschooling just happens, and we are a Christ...
In a message dated 3/14/04 7:35:26 PM, ben2edge@... writes:
<< Sandra, the reason I won't name any other organizations or religions
is because from past experiences I've found it accomplishes nothing
but to put others on the defense. >>
<<I learn so much from kids! :)>>
If your kids asked you to back a statement up would you say "I'm not going
From the posting guidelines for this list:
"4. If you have a belief or practice that you don't want held up to public
examination, don't post it to the list. "
Is ANYone here able to name a group that fits this description, since the
author of the statement declines to back up her personal assertion?
-=-I do personally know of
other faiths and groups that do promote their agenda, exlude others
from their "groups" and socialization is limited w/ others. -=-
Other faiths and groups like what?
I think it's a good thing to model for children, and a good thing for
personal integrity, if an adult is able to back down if she's wrong. I've known
adults who didn't want to say "sorry" or "wrong" to children, or to anyone,
and I'm sorry, but that's wrong. <g>
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