Danielle Conger

Deb L wrote:
I've been browsing around your site and it's really fun and wonderful.
You should brag about it a little bit.<g>

Aawwww, shucks.

Thanks for the kudos, Deb. I've been updating the past month or so, but I still have a couple of pages that I haven't gotten to yet. My wildest hopes would be that someone else might find it helpful, so feel free to include it in the newsletter you mentioned offlist.

I've been having lots of thoughts recently about the tension between "proselytizing" unschooling vs. not mentioning it to those outside the homeschooling community. I feel that unschooling has so much to offer in terms of learning and lifestyle and believe that it is misunderstood by many people within the hsing community and way radical to those outside it. I'm hoping that in some small way, my website will help people *see* what unschooling looks like (at least in our home). It's funny, though, I was thinking how obvious my blog makes our everyday learning, but I realized that for people caught up in the school paradigm, it's not going to look obvious at all. *lol*

If nothing else, it helps my inlaws see the kinds of things the kids are learning and gives them a place to look at pictures. Plus, it'll make gathering info for my yearly reviews easy.;)

Thanks again for your kind words! I can't tell you how much they mean.


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