In a message dated 3/5/04 10:16:05 AM, wifetovegman2002@... writes:

<< I have a hard time with violence of any kind on
screen, but especially when directed towards women or
children. I didn't even like it in Secondhand Lions
when . . .>>

HEY. We all knew how The Passion would turn out, but I haven't seen that
movie yet! Don't give away movie details! <g>



From: <SandraDodd@...>

> HEY. We all knew how The Passion would turn out, but I haven't seen that
> movie yet! Don't give away movie details! <g>

We just rented that movie for tonight with the kids. It intrigued me and
Joseph wanted to see it too. I thought it would be a good everyone movie for
the weekend.

Mary B