abuse of truth (was law & order)
Mark and Rheta Wallingford
-=-What is the abuse of truth and rational thought that you are pointing
at? -=-
-=-When homeschoolers have a kneejerk reaction and deny any whiff of
of negatives, it doesn't create better balance.-=-
Showing only the negative aspects of homeschooling isn't balance either.
-=-"The media" isn't doing anything. Individual writers and directors
actors might be adding their phrase or plot or tension-building glance,
there is no big committee meeting at "the media" headquarters planning
what their
joint presentation will be.-=-
"The media" as I think most people view it, is the collective grouping
of writers, directors and station directors who decide what is going to
be viewed by the public. Newspaper writers and editors as well tend to
be viewed in the collective "media".
=-= "Get thee behind me, satanic media, there are NO questionable
I don't remember anyone saying that but you.
-=-Anytime there is a call for homeschoolers to get up a collective head
defensive steam, I'm going to stand on the side and remind people to be
and not just succumb to mob mentality.-=-
Abuse of the truth - mob mentality wasn't present in this discussion it
was a discussion on disliking the way the "media" (this show) portrayed
homeschooling. Not a call to arms.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
at? -=-
-=-When homeschoolers have a kneejerk reaction and deny any whiff of
of negatives, it doesn't create better balance.-=-
Showing only the negative aspects of homeschooling isn't balance either.
-=-"The media" isn't doing anything. Individual writers and directors
actors might be adding their phrase or plot or tension-building glance,
there is no big committee meeting at "the media" headquarters planning
what their
joint presentation will be.-=-
"The media" as I think most people view it, is the collective grouping
of writers, directors and station directors who decide what is going to
be viewed by the public. Newspaper writers and editors as well tend to
be viewed in the collective "media".
=-= "Get thee behind me, satanic media, there are NO questionable
I don't remember anyone saying that but you.
-=-Anytime there is a call for homeschoolers to get up a collective head
defensive steam, I'm going to stand on the side and remind people to be
and not just succumb to mob mentality.-=-
Abuse of the truth - mob mentality wasn't present in this discussion it
was a discussion on disliking the way the "media" (this show) portrayed
homeschooling. Not a call to arms.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
In a message dated 2/21/04 1:00:43 PM, wallingford@... writes:
<< "The media" as I think most people view it, is the collective grouping
of writers, directors and station directors who decide what is going to
be viewed by the public. Newspaper writers and editors as well tend to
be viewed in the collective "media". >>
You're trying to teach me English.
I'm trying to ask people to be fair-minded and honest on this list.
It's immature to say "Well THEY'RE not playing fair so I don't have to
I would like to say that if anyone else is false or extreme, we on this list
could still be open-minded and honest.
-=-Abuse of the truth - mob mentality wasn't present in this discussion it
was a discussion on disliking the way the "media" (this show) portrayed
homeschooling. Not a call to arms.-=-
You were talking about a TV show. I was talking about the response of
homeschoolers in general to TV shows and media mentions in general. You can find
exciteable responses to such things many places on the internet. What I'd like
to find on this particular list is input that will help other people
unschool. Discussing things in balanced fashion can help that. Complaining that
other people other places are not living up to the ideals unschoolers have is not
productive. It's a given; lots of other people suck. <g> Let us not suck
Integrity involves the courage to rise above making decisions based on what
will earn the most applause or the most back-patting. If we do what we're
doing and do it well, we will be doing something of great value, regardless of
"the competition." It could only be better for us to see the value in other
homeschoolers, other "media," in schools, etc. To point out their flaws in order
to feel better about not being them is not a step toward integrity. If we
see them as worthy and STILL surpass them, then we're doing something we might
be proud of.
<< "The media" as I think most people view it, is the collective grouping
of writers, directors and station directors who decide what is going to
be viewed by the public. Newspaper writers and editors as well tend to
be viewed in the collective "media". >>
You're trying to teach me English.
I'm trying to ask people to be fair-minded and honest on this list.
It's immature to say "Well THEY'RE not playing fair so I don't have to
I would like to say that if anyone else is false or extreme, we on this list
could still be open-minded and honest.
-=-Abuse of the truth - mob mentality wasn't present in this discussion it
was a discussion on disliking the way the "media" (this show) portrayed
homeschooling. Not a call to arms.-=-
You were talking about a TV show. I was talking about the response of
homeschoolers in general to TV shows and media mentions in general. You can find
exciteable responses to such things many places on the internet. What I'd like
to find on this particular list is input that will help other people
unschool. Discussing things in balanced fashion can help that. Complaining that
other people other places are not living up to the ideals unschoolers have is not
productive. It's a given; lots of other people suck. <g> Let us not suck
Integrity involves the courage to rise above making decisions based on what
will earn the most applause or the most back-patting. If we do what we're
doing and do it well, we will be doing something of great value, regardless of
"the competition." It could only be better for us to see the value in other
homeschoolers, other "media," in schools, etc. To point out their flaws in order
to feel better about not being them is not a step toward integrity. If we
see them as worthy and STILL surpass them, then we're doing something we might
be proud of.