

Just dropping in to see who's here and say hi. :)

We moved in January, and that kept me very busy, and now we're in a
city, where there is much MUCH more to do, which is keeping us busy.

Robby is still The Game King. He got a playstation from his older
brother, and has been doing a LOT of that, but I must admit, you guys
were right: He's doing lots of other things, too.

There is a playhouse within walking distance of us, and Abbie has
been making the acquaintance of the people there. She went to a play,
and introduced herself to the director, and found out about acting

And Katie, my late-starting reader!!! yeee-haw! Started a diary
yesterday. LOL I let her write things out her own self, and let me
tell YOU...between spelling things completely by how they sound, and
the dyslexic tendency to reverse b's and d's...I couldn't really read
what she wrote, until she decoded it for me. BUT...this is SO reading-
ready. And, she's been climbing on my lap lately, books in hand, and
eagerly attempting to read the words as well as look at the pictures.
I think she will be reading well, before her next birthday. IF I can
keep my mom from stressing her out about it...grrr..."Shouldn't we
get her in Sylvan? She's reading awfully late, isn't she?" grrrr.

As for me and my hubby, we're more energetic. Feeling like we've
busted out of a rut big time, and loving it!

nice "seeing" youse again!

blessings, HeidiC