Dia Garland

Why do you un/home school? 
We started hs'ing because our oldest was advanced and we knew that he would be bored (read "in trouble") in ps.  We moved into the unschool mode gradually as I realized that teh kids were learning more when I wasn't "teaching" them.  We continue to unschool because it has become a part of our lives, sort of like eating! 
How many children do you have, how old, and names(if you wish)? 
Three, Stephan, 12, Kyra, 10, and Joel, almost 8.
What's your child/ren's most recent interest(s)? 
Stephan loves computers, cars and guns.  He is designing a web page about his 4-H projects, and reads constantly.  Kyra loves horses.  She reads about horses, talks about horses, dreams about horses.  Did I mention that she likes horses? :-)  Joel loves to fix and build things.  He spends a lot of time in the workshop hammering and nailing.  He is allowed to use the electric sander and drill alone, but must have help to use the table saw.
WHat area does your family live in? 
DO you have any pets?  
Oh boy!  Do we ever!  Fish, birds, cats, dogs, chickens, ferrets, geese, ducks, iguanas, goats, cattle, sheep, rabbits, and sometimes pigs.
ANy thing else you'd like to add
We are city transplants to the country and hope never to move back to the city!  Also, I am learning Scots Gaelic and if (okay this is a long shot!) anyone else knows this language I would love to write back and forth!

Tracy Oldfield

> Why do you un/home school?
Cos there's too much pressure on the little'uns in our school
system, and cos I don't think school's a good place for learning,
etc etc...
> How many children do you have, how old, and names(if you wish)?
Heather who's 4&1/2 (and who my mum keeps calling 'old
fashioned' like there's something wrong with that...) and Abi who's
> What's your child/ren's most recent interest(s)?
Hmmm. they both like the 'puter and the TV, we read at bedtime,
would like to do more during the day, I don't feel like discussing
books when I'm close to falling asleep myself. They go to drama
class and gym, and love spending time with their gps, baking and
gardening (as if they couldn't do that here <g>)They do a lot of
pretending games, I love to listen from a different room while they're
playing together. I ought to write them down.
> WHat area does your family live in?
Yorkshire, England
> DO you have any pets?
2 cats, Arnie and Tribble
> ANy thing else you'd like to add
er, well, not much.
