Re: Recovering from school
In a message dated 6/10/99 5:52:02 AM !!!First Boot!!!, Kitchen38@...
<< My middle daughter (Angie) went through this in March of this year. Angie
decided that she should go back to school. The conversation went something
like this:
Angie:"Mom, I am not learning anything!"
Me:"Yes you are. You're learning all the time."
Angie:"No I'm not. You don't teach us anything."
Me:"I am not the teacher. You can learn on your own."
Angie:"This is sick. You're gonna get caught."
Me:"Angie, I've told you about unschooling."
Angie:"Yeah, mom, but we don't DO anything!!"
staying home.
Me: "You have been cranky for 3 days. What's up? Are you feeling sick or
is there a problem or what?"
Son: "Well, Mom, you know, they don't really teach me anything in school."
He was 5 (now 6) so he hadn't had years to get used to the idea of how little
goes on in ps and I think that helped him cut to the chase. We had several
very polite, promise-filled conversation with various school personnel after
that, then we left.
I'm not sure school is evil but it sure isn't all it's cracked up to be. 8
years of it -- that sounds like a lot to get over!
Well, I think we better go outside now -- time to loaf -- it's OK, I can
loaf, I'm a grown up -- they kids will have to play!
<< My middle daughter (Angie) went through this in March of this year. Angie
decided that she should go back to school. The conversation went something
like this:
Angie:"Mom, I am not learning anything!"
Me:"Yes you are. You're learning all the time."
Angie:"No I'm not. You don't teach us anything."
Me:"I am not the teacher. You can learn on your own."
Angie:"This is sick. You're gonna get caught."
Me:"Angie, I've told you about unschooling."
Angie:"Yeah, mom, but we don't DO anything!!"
>>This conversation reminds me of the one I had with my son which led to us
staying home.
Me: "You have been cranky for 3 days. What's up? Are you feeling sick or
is there a problem or what?"
Son: "Well, Mom, you know, they don't really teach me anything in school."
He was 5 (now 6) so he hadn't had years to get used to the idea of how little
goes on in ps and I think that helped him cut to the chase. We had several
very polite, promise-filled conversation with various school personnel after
that, then we left.
I'm not sure school is evil but it sure isn't all it's cracked up to be. 8
years of it -- that sounds like a lot to get over!
Well, I think we better go outside now -- time to loaf -- it's OK, I can
loaf, I'm a grown up -- they kids will have to play!