Clonlara conference
Debra Bures
We have just returned from the Clonlara conference, which was held in Ann
Arbor this past weekend. To be in a place where the whole world homeschools was
wonderful!!! We have a friend who graduated, so we attended some of the
graduation ( we had to leave early to drive home since we had a wedding on
Sunday--we got home at 1 AM). My oldest dd--almost 12--thought the graduation
was so cool. Family members &/or
others the child graduating asks, come to the podium with the graduate and
everyone has the opportunity to speak. There were tables where kids could
display a project of their choosing--education in action! My oldest did a
project on body language and horses (her passion) and my youngest did one on
My dh attended an intense session with Joseph Chilton Pearce--more on
that later after he's digested it and after I read some of his books.
I am more and more convinced that this path we have chosen for the
past 7 yrs is so right.
By the way, on Sunday, my almost 12 dd asked what algebra is. Then
she told us she wants to learn it. My younger dd(8) wants to learn the
history of our house (it is very old!) and to learn what has happened in the
world since it has been built. She is intrigued by Harriet Tubman and the
Undrsground RR and wonders if our house could have been a stop... When I
called the library to see what kind of resources they have, the librarian asked
me how old my child is--when I told her that Hannah is 8, she said"Isn't that a
little young?..."