Julie Solich

I just wanted to thank everyone for some great discussions over the last
week or so. The past couple of months have been hard. I've been feeling
burnt out and finding myself cleaning up after the kids and not really
spending enough time making the messes with them. <g>

The discussions about cleaning, rules versus principles, and food have been
just what I needed. I think it was Julie. S who posted these wonderful words
"you are free to live your life as you see fit as long as you are not
causing harm to others". Now that's someting to live by. That's a lot of
freedom for my kids but not at anyone's expense.

The kids and I have had a wonderful week together. Grocery shopping was
actually fun! The kids went to bed all at different times tonight and they
were so happy and peaceful and loving. Mia ( 4 yrs) told me as we were
having a cuddle, "you are so beautiful Mum, you're so precious to me" It was
really sweet to hear my words to her given back to me. What a gift!! Jess
told me he loved the way I had cleaned his room and that he had had a great

Also, my husband read a post of Deb's and one of Ren's from Unschooling 101
about housework and unschooling and they really touched him. He has printed
them out to keep close by. After reading them, he helped me out with some
housework that needed doing while the kids played.

We also had heaps of fun cleaning our floors (thanks Lyle!!!). The whole
family donned thick socks and "skate mopped" the floor. We moved the table
and chairs out of the room so we had a huge area to skate around on and we
had a blast. My mother, brother and sister arrived just as we began. 5
minutes later Kate was asking for socks and ten minutes after that my mum
(60 this year) was zooming around with us! The floor looks fantastic and the
kids are looking forward to the time it needs to be cleaned again.

This list is awesome.

Thank you.
