
In a message dated 1/14/2004 1:33:07 PM Eastern Standard Time,
UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com writes:
My son and I were talking about this the other day. I had asked him if he
ever considered taking any classes at the community college, fun classes that
He seemed surprised that people could just take classes with no intent to get
a degree. I wonder how many do?<<<<<<<<<<

Cameron (16 next week) and I are auditting a Sociology 101 class together.
We'll probably audit (or maybe even PAY for! <g>) another one later this
semester. Tonight was our second class. Cameron is ENTHRALLED! He's excited to do the
homework----and my shy, shy son is contributing to the class! It's great fun
to watch!

We talked tonight after class about "unschooling college" where you take
certain classes just for the fun of it----no major. And no major headaches! <g>


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In a message dated 1/15/2004 10:13:29 PM Central Standard Time,
kbcdlovejo@... writes:

> Cameron (16 next week) and I are auditting a Sociology 101 class together.
> We'll probably audit (or maybe even PAY for! <g>) another one later this
> semester. Tonight was our second class. Cameron is ENTHRALLED! He's excited
> to do the
> homework----and my shy, shy son is contributing to the class! It's great fun
> to watch!

That sounds like a lot of fun, I think I will look into. Taking a class
together would be great, it would give us even more to talk about.

My son is very interested in music, we bought him an inexpensive digital
mixer for Christmas and he loves it. I was also lucky to find him a 3 day workshop
titled "Recording Behind the Scenes" sponsored by a local adult continuing
education department. This group offers a lot of great classes and workshops
taught by whoever wants to teach them but most of the classes are only open to
people 18 and over. This one was open to 16 and up, talk about good luck, this
is exactly the type of thing I look for. It's being given by a real commercial
recording studio. Pete is thrilled to be going and I just found out another
unschooler signed up!

Laura Buoni

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pam sorooshian

On Jan 15, 2004, at 8:09 PM, kbcdlovejo@... wrote:

> We talked tonight after class about "unschooling college" where you
> take
> certain classes just for the fun of it----no major. And no major
> headaches! <g>

Paul Boone, Jill Boone's son (some of you may know her as she was
president of the HomeSchool Association of California for quite a long
time) took whatever courses he wanted and, with some effort, convinced
his university to let him design his own program so that what he
"wanted" to take counted for his degree.

National Home Education Network
Serving the entire homeschooling community since 1999
through information, networking and public relations.

Elizabeth Roberts

How does auditing work? It was my impression that by auditing, you just showed up for the class and participated, but received no grade, paid no fees, etc. But then I heard that you DO still pay the tuition, etc. but receive no grade. Does it vary by college?


kbcdlovejo@... wrote:
In a message dated 1/14/2004 1:33:07 PM Eastern Standard Time,
UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com writes:
My son and I were talking about this the other day. I had asked him if he
ever considered taking any classes at the community college, fun classes that
He seemed surprised that people could just take classes with no intent to get
a degree. I wonder how many do?<<<<<<<<<<

Cameron (16 next week) and I are auditting a Sociology 101 class together.
We'll probably audit (or maybe even PAY for! <g>) another one later this
semester. Tonight was our second class. Cameron is ENTHRALLED! He's excited to do the
homework----and my shy, shy son is contributing to the class! It's great fun
to watch!

We talked tonight after class about "unschooling college" where you take
certain classes just for the fun of it----no major. And no major headaches! <g>


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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In a message dated 1/16/04 8:36:19 AM, mamabethuscg@... writes:

<< How does auditing work? It was my impression that by auditing, you just
showed up for the class and participated, but received no grade, paid no fees,
etc. But then I heard that you DO still pay the tuition, etc. but receive no
grade. Does it vary by college? >>

At the University of New Mexico, you pay the tuition, but you don't "do the
work" (they don't grade or give you feedback) and in seminar-type classes
auditors might be expected (or asked) to hang back and not participate, if that
participation is part of the grade (and also depending no doubt on the auditor
and his/her value to the participants).

If you just sit in a class, it's called "sitting in" and some people arrange
that with a professor. In a really big class, they'd never know the
difference. (Big like lecture hall size, which some universities have and some don't.
I took Anthropology 101 and 102 in those circumstances, and Psychology 101.)


Elizabeth Roberts


SandraDodd@... wrote:
In a message dated 1/16/04 8:36:19 AM, mamabethuscg@... writes:

<< How does auditing work? It was my impression that by auditing, you just
showed up for the class and participated, but received no grade, paid no fees,
etc. But then I heard that you DO still pay the tuition, etc. but receive no
grade. Does it vary by college? >>

At the University of New Mexico, you pay the tuition, but you don't "do the
work" (they don't grade or give you feedback) and in seminar-type classes
auditors might be expected (or asked) to hang back and not participate, if that
participation is part of the grade (and also depending no doubt on the auditor
and his/her value to the participants).

If you just sit in a class, it's called "sitting in" and some people arrange
that with a professor. In a really big class, they'd never know the
difference. (Big like lecture hall size, which some universities have and some don't.
I took Anthropology 101 and 102 in those circumstances, and Psychology 101.)


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