Elizabeth Roberts

I was surfing the 'net last night while the kids watched TV (I'm rather thankful for 24/7 cartoon shows with sick children who are awake at 0200!!!) and I came across the coolest looking flute..it's PURPLE with silver keys! Guess what I'll have one of come "Taxmas?!"

I've put off getting a new flute for years because of the kids and I decided that I have GOT to get one and get back into playing, even if all I do is play for church once in awhile...there will be time enough when the kids are a little older to commit to a community band again...


Why not?!

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--- Elizabeth Roberts <mamabethuscg@...> wrote:
> I've put off getting a new flute for years because
> of the kids and I decided that I have GOT to get one
> and get back into playing, even if all I do is play
> for church once in awhile...there will be time
> enough when the kids are a little older to commit to
> a community band again...
> MamaBeth

From one flutist to another, MamaBeth...just remember
it is not a string instrument...in other words...no
strings attached!

Play for yourself and your children, don't committ to
church or anyone else unless you decide you WANT to.

--Susan in VA

What is most important and valuable about the home as a base for children's growth into the world is not that it is a better school than the schools, but that it isn't a school at all. John Holt

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From: "Wife2Vegman" <wifetovegman2002@...>

<< From one flutist to another, MamaBeth...just remember
it is not a string instrument...in other words...no
strings attached!

Play for yourself and your children, don't committ to
church or anyone else unless you decide you WANT to.>>

None of the my kids have yet to express an interest in playing a musical
instrument. They are really not familiar with that. Maybe I will get back
into playing the flute. I guess even with the kids, it could be fun. And if
they come in colors...........

Mary B.

Elizabeth Roberts

Mary B,

The flute I found is actually through JCPenney, but I'm sure they are also out there elsewhere! It's just a student flute, I'm by no means a professional LOL but the price is reasonable ($249.99) and there is also a small warranty.


Mary <mummy124@...> wrote:
From: "Wife2Vegman" <wifetovegman2002@...>

<< From one flutist to another, MamaBeth...just remember
it is not a string instrument...in other words...no
strings attached!

Play for yourself and your children, don't committ to
church or anyone else unless you decide you WANT to.>>

None of the my kids have yet to express an interest in playing a musical
instrument. They are really not familiar with that. Maybe I will get back
into playing the flute. I guess even with the kids, it could be fun. And if
they come in colors...........

Mary B.

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A mom on my Feingold Program list posted today that
she found out that the school teacher was giving her
son food almost daily that he is allergic/sensitive to
even though she had sent a letter specifically stating
he was only to have food that she sent from home, and
then the same teacher then was denying him lunch until
he finished his work, and several times this week he
didn't get lunch at all!

The mom went ballistic, rightly so, and contacted the
school board, the principal, and the news media. The
school said it was their policy to deny lunch until
classroom work was done.

No wonder kids have eating disorders, when food is
given as rewards and taken away as punishment, and
everyone in the room knows who has been good or bad by
who is allowed to eat in front of the others.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to this list for
showing me the wrong thinking about limitations and
rewards and punishments! I am even more determined to
free my kids from such heinous chains.

--Susan in VA

What is most important and valuable about the home as a base for children's growth into the world is not that it is a better school than the schools, but that it isn't a school at all. John Holt

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In a message dated 1/15/04 10:42:52 AM, wifetovegman2002@... writes:

<< The mom went ballistic, rightly so, and contacted the
school board, the principal, and the news media. The
school said it was their policy to deny lunch until
classroom work was done.

Abraham Maslow is required information in every college of education as far
as I know, and yet all these professionals have decided that withholding food
is a way to get kids to learn!?

Wait. Maybe these things like "silence in halls" don't REALLY happen in
Maybe it's the enemies of schools who are making up those stories so
everybody will homeschool.

Are there internal agents at work trying to cause schools to make themselves
look SO horribly bad that sweeping school reform will be inevitable and
homeschooling will be seen as the highest virtue!??

Schools should just make themselves so perfectly good and calm and sweet that
we can't do anything else but feel bad for depriving or children of the
experience, but instead they're making us look better and smarter without us doing
