
In a message dated 1/12/2004 11:52:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,
UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com writes:
Wendy Carr <WendyWCarr@...> wrote:
OK I am on a messege board for people with small babies. I found that there
were some homeschoolers there, so we talked about our schooling and I told
them that I unschooled. Now some of the other group members have kinda told
me that its wrong and just now one of them told me that only people with
higher education should unschool, and that you must be a very smart person
to unschool. Do all of you have higher education and are you "Gifted". One
girl told me that I was limited and that I shouldnt homeschool/unschool
cause Im holding my son back.
Im so hurt by these women. We have all been together since we got pg, last
These people are telling you that you're not SMART enough to unschool your

Wendy, sweetie, the only response to that is &^%$#%^*))^% YOU!

Dump 'em. Be where people are nice to you. Be where people respect you.

Come to the conference if you can. Otherwise, find other places to be.

Ick. {{{{{Wendy}}}} Try not to be hurt by mean people.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Wendy Carr

As much as I would love to come I cant. My 5 month old baby girl hates car
rides and screams her head off... we had to fly back from Texas, she just
didnt do well with the drive there from Ga.
What happenes at the Conf?

>From: KathrynJB@...
>Reply-To: UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com
>To: UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [UnschoolingDiscussion] Re: Mean Women on other lists
>Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 09:01:37 EST

Wendy Carr
When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a
thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning
of fairies. - Barrie
Mom to Austyn(8) and Caitlin(5 months)

Proud To Home-school!

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Tia Leschke

>As much as I would love to come I cant. My 5 month old baby girl hates car
>rides and screams her head off...

Lars was like that his whole first year of life. Have you tried singing in
the car? We had to sing to him so much that first year that I actually got
sick of singing. <g> The radio or tapes didn't do it. It had to be real
live voices in the car.