[email protected]

My 20-year-old dd, home/unschooled since the "6th grade", is getting ready to take off on a travel adventure. She's leaving Minneapolis on a greyhound bus and going out to Eugene, OR, to visit a friend for a couple of weeks. Then she's using a 30-day Amtrak pass to go wherever the mood takes her around the country. She'll be staying in hostels mostly, and says she wants the experience of arriving in a city in the morning w/o knowing where she'll be staying or what she'll discover. Sounds nice and adventurous to a stranger, but a bit frightening to a parent!

She also is very social and loves to speak in front of groups, and this is the dd who hid behind me and was an appendage until she was about 8 years old.

She took a shorter trip a little more than a year ago and I asked this list for advice. Do you have any more? (Maybe for me, on how not to worry....) Any other young travelers out there?
