
I have a daughter who will be 12.5 yrs at the time of the conference and
she says she'd interested in doing a presentation on her life as an
Unschooler.Which I must admit I found to be quite surprising as she used to be quite the
introvert until we discovered Unschooling.
I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for a teen to talk about or
convey but I'm quite confident she feels her life as an unschooler is the "BEST".
She takes horseback riding lessons and does volunteer work at the stables 2-4
days per week depending on her schedule, has a "job" walking a neighborhood
dog, is frequently asked to baby-sit because of her maturity and kindness to
young children, takes a yoga class (given by another homeschooler w/ 5 yrs of yoga
training), has taken a training class to volunteer for Earth Day at our local
Zoo in April, involved in a once a month book club, drama club and the list
goes on. By the way, she wants to be a vet someday specializing in equine
medicine. She lives her life in total_freedom.
If you feel she would be an interesting subject just let us know.
We enjoyed the Conference so much last year and are looking forward to this
years as well. We are now planning all vacations around this event!!!

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