
Lynda, my husband is where yours used to be. At least there's hope he will
"come around"! I made oatmeal cookies today with sweet cloud rice syrup as
the sweetener. The kids and I enjoyed them, but dh thought they weren't
sweet enough. Then I made pizzas from scratch, using whole wheat flour, and
made the sauce from scratch, too. We all thought it was pretty good, but dh
still can't quite accept the wheat taste and texture, yet. Happily, though,
I had no negative affects on the blood sugar, and it's nice to know I can
have pizza, too...
Also, the Dr Weil books are great. Looks like broccoli
will be served a little more often, now! :) Luckily, we all like it, and eat
it anyway. ~Karen


Have any of you done the banana test to convince unbelievers that organic
is better?? It works every time!


> From: HPaulson5@...
> To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] getting hubby to accept diet/ Dr Weil
> Date: Thursday, June 01, 2000 7:44 PM
> Lynda, my husband is where yours used to be. At least there's hope he
> "come around"! I made oatmeal cookies today with sweet cloud rice
syrup as
> the sweetener. The kids and I enjoyed them, but dh thought they weren't
> sweet enough. Then I made pizzas from scratch, using whole wheat flour,
> made the sauce from scratch, too. We all thought it was pretty good, but
> still can't quite accept the wheat taste and texture, yet. Happily,
> I had no negative affects on the blood sugar, and it's nice to know I can

> have pizza, too...

> Also, the Dr Weil books are great. Looks like
> will be served a little more often, now! :) Luckily, we all like it, and
> it anyway. ~Karen
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what is the banana test?

Bonnie Painter

I know that is going to be a stupid question, but what is the banana test?
I'm assuming that it's trying an organic banana and a "regular" banana at
the same time??

I also have tried to move to organic for my family, but some things that we
love to eat (watermelon for example) we still havent' been able to find...

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Buy a couple of good ol' Dole or Chiquita bananas and one organic grown
banana. Have hubby set them on the kitchen counter (we have a banana
hanger and set them on the wooden bottom). Tell him you don't want him to
eat the bananas but just to check them on a weekly basis. He can choose
the greenest Doles he wants and you can choose a ripe organic banana (which
usually look like a homely cousin of a plantain). By about 2 weeks the
Dole bananas will look sad and have ugly brown and black spots all over it.
Have him peel the Dole banana, well, you know what the inside is going to
look like, yuck! Tell him to throw that one away but to leave the other
one until it is "dead" which usually takes another week but may take two
weeks max. When he has to throw his Dole banana away, have him peel the
organic banana. It will still look pathetic but when it is peeled it is
perfect inside. We haven't figured out what they spray on the regular
commercial bananas but it is something that makes them that real pretty
bright yellow color but in the process speeds up the sugar process and they
bruise real easy and go to slimey and black real fast. The organic banana,
on the other hand, will be as nature intended and will keep (we've had them
just sitting for up to six weeks) for quite a long time! They don't go to
bruised spots or turn brown or black and go to goo.


> From: Jaam1224@...
> To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] getting hubby to accept diet/ Dr Weil
> Date: Saturday, June 03, 2000 4:48 AM
> what is the banana test?
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We go to farmers markets and buy buckets of whatever is currently available
and then dehydrate things like strawberries and watermelon. The kidlets
would rather have these than candy!

But in response to the questions, call a local health food store or coop in
your area and ask them if their are any farmers markets that have members
that are certified organic growers.


> From: Bonnie Painter <bonniepainter@...>
> To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] getting hubby to accept diet/ Dr Weil
> Date: Saturday, June 03, 2000 11:37 AM
> I know that is going to be a stupid question, but what is the banana
> I'm assuming that it's trying an organic banana and a "regular" banana at

> the same time??
> I also have tried to move to organic for my family, but some things that
> love to eat (watermelon for example) we still havent' been able to
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Wow Lynda, we are going to try this one in our house. Thanks!!!!

Happy Mothering,
Mommy to Ali and Matthew, Wife to a Great Man, Adam
Please check out a few of my favorite sites:
"It helps me to remember that people are more important than ideas and that
being kind is more important than being right."
-Peggy O'Mara, Publisher of Mothering Magazine.


In a message dated 6/4/00 3:12:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
lurine@... writes:

<< dehydrate things like strawberries and watermelon. The kidlets
would rather have these than candy!
Please share how you do this....This is a great idea.
Happy Mothering,
Mommy to Ali and Matthew, Wife to a Great Man, Adam
Please check out a few of my favorite sites:
"It helps me to remember that people are more important than ideas and that
being kind is more important than being right."
-Peggy O'Mara, Publisher of Mothering Magazine.


Strawberries need to be sort of sliced depending on how plump they are. If
you slice them too thin they turn into hard little waffers. We buy
seedless watermelons and a really delicious seedless yellow watermelon.
You slice it about an 1/8th to a 1/4 inch thick. We have two dehydraters,
one of those round things and a combo convection oven/dehydrator. Just lay
them on the trays and check them after a few hours and flip them over once.
We also do bananas but you need to dip them in lemon juice so they don't
turn brown (commercial banana chips are treated with sulfur and lord knows
what else). The big kidlet's favorite (hubby <g>) is pears and we also do
apples. We are going to try some other types of fruit this year and also
fruit leathers.

I do onions and peppers and put them in old mayo and pickle jars and then
just grab a handful to toss in soups and stews during the off season.

Also, in a sneaky way to get hubby more involved, I bought "him" a smoker
for Christmas. We are going to smoke salmon (his BIG favorite) when they
are running this year. I also bought "him" a copy of Back to Basics which
has home smoking recipes in it for bacon and ham, etc. <<<BEWG>>>

We are going to try making our own pickles this year. Has/does anyone
done/do that?


> From: Jaam1224@...
> To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] getting hubby to accept diet/ Dr Weil
> Date: Sunday, June 04, 2000 5:11 AM
> In a message dated 6/4/00 3:12:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> lurine@... writes:
> << dehydrate things like strawberries and watermelon. The kidlets
> would rather have these than candy!
> >>
> Please share how you do this....This is a great idea.
> Happy Mothering,
> Julie
> Mommy to Ali and Matthew, Wife to a Great Man, Adam
> Please check out a few of my favorite sites:
> http://www.mothering.com
> http://www.AttachmentParenting.org
> http://www.LaLecheLeague.org
> http://www.naturalchild.org
> "It helps me to remember that people are more important than ideas and
> being kind is more important than being right."
> -Peggy O'Mara, Publisher of Mothering Magazine.
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B & T Simpson

>fruit leathers.>>>

Do you have a recipe for the fruit leathers? we used to do them when I was a
kid with the dehydrator my dad made, and now I have the dehydrator but
don't know how we did the leathers! and we go thru alot of fruit roll ups


Depending on the fruit, for those without seeds and that don't turn brown,
simply whiz them in the blender and then spread out on dehydrator trays or
tray inserts. For those with seeds, moosh up with a potato smasher and
then put through a strainer to get rid of the seeds and then pour. For
things that turn brown, add a little fresh squeezed lemon juice. If you
want something real sticky and sweet, you can add a little of your poison
<g> of choice (sugar, honey, etc.). A little dab will do you as these
things are naturally sweet.


> From: B & T Simpson <michigan@...>
> To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] getting hubby to accept diet/ Dr Weil
> Date: Monday, June 05, 2000 8:41 AM
> >fruit leathers.>>>
> Do you have a recipe for the fruit leathers? we used to do them when I
was a
> kid with the dehydrator my dad made, and now I have the dehydrator but
> don't know how we did the leathers! and we go thru alot of fruit roll ups
> here!
> Tanya
> >
> >
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B & T Simpson

Thanks!!! kids should be thrilled!!!


>Depending on the fruit, for those without seeds and that don't turn brown,
>simply whiz them in the blender and then spread out on dehydrator trays or
>tray inserts. For those with seeds, moosh up with a potato smasher and
>then put through a strainer to get rid of the seeds and then pour. For
>things that turn brown, add a little fresh squeezed lemon juice. If you
>want something real sticky and sweet, you can add a little of your poison
><g> of choice (sugar, honey, etc.). A little dab will do you as these
>things are naturally sweet.
>> From: B & T Simpson <michigan@...>
>> To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
>> Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] getting hubby to accept diet/ Dr Weil
>> Date: Monday, June 05, 2000 8:41 AM
>> >fruit leathers.>>>
>> Do you have a recipe for the fruit leathers? we used to do them when I
>was a
>> kid with the dehydrator my dad made, and now I have the dehydrator but
>> don't know how we did the leathers! and we go thru alot of fruit roll ups
>> here!
>> Tanya
>> >
>> >
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I just acquired a dehedrator this afternoon (for free). I'm excited to try
this too.
----- Original Message -----
From: B & T Simpson <michigan@...>
To: <Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 6:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] getting hubby to accept diet/ Dr Weil

> Thanks!!! kids should be thrilled!!!
> Tanya
> >Depending on the fruit, for those without seeds and that don't turn
> >simply whiz them in the blender and then spread out on dehydrator trays
> >tray inserts. For those with seeds, moosh up with a potato smasher and
> >then put through a strainer to get rid of the seeds and then pour. For
> >things that turn brown, add a little fresh squeezed lemon juice. If you
> >want something real sticky and sweet, you can add a little of your poison
> ><g> of choice (sugar, honey, etc.). A little dab will do you as these
> >things are naturally sweet.
> >
> >Lynda
> >
> >----------
> >> From: B & T Simpson <michigan@...>
> >> To: Unschooling-dotcom@egroups.com
> >> Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] getting hubby to accept diet/ Dr Weil
> >> Date: Monday, June 05, 2000 8:41 AM
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> >fruit leathers.>>>
> >>
> >> Do you have a recipe for the fruit leathers? we used to do them when I
> >was a
> >> kid with the dehydrator my dad made, and now I have the dehydrator but
> >> don't know how we did the leathers! and we go thru alot of fruit roll
> >> here!
> >> Tanya
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
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> >>
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