children questioning children
Thanks for all your feedback :) I apprecite it. I did ask Joey if it
bothered him and he said well I get them off my back he sees it as
an annyonace just like I do. I will talk to him about what we can
say which is what we do now when people ask him about homeschooling.
People always ask him what grade level he is in and he says none I
just teach myself things when I want to know them but mostly I play
video games because I really like them LOL................. I love
all the ideas that were presented - thanks again !! I really enjoy
hearing from all of you.
Happy New Year :)
Attleboro, Mass.
bothered him and he said well I get them off my back he sees it as
an annyonace just like I do. I will talk to him about what we can
say which is what we do now when people ask him about homeschooling.
People always ask him what grade level he is in and he says none I
just teach myself things when I want to know them but mostly I play
video games because I really like them LOL................. I love
all the ideas that were presented - thanks again !! I really enjoy
hearing from all of you.
Happy New Year :)
Attleboro, Mass.
Kelly Lenhart
>People always ask him what grade level he is in and he says noneSomeone asked my son that the other day. He just said, "I don't know."
> >People always ask him what grade level he is in and he says noneDallen says what someone here suggested "grades are for eggs and meat not
> Someone asked my son that the other day. He just said, "I don't know."
children." People look at him funny but never know what to say. Usually they
just say "oh" with a puzzled look and walk off.
Pam G
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