
Can those who have experience with them offer me your opinion of the

Also any web resources that rates them.




My 6 year old son loved his. He got it when he was 4 for Christmas, and played with it for spurts nonstop, then would get bored with it and not play with it at all. When he would get a new book for it, then it would be back to playing with it all the time. We have recently started unschooling, as opposed to school at home. I did not use it as an educational tool, just gave him the books and worksheets, and let him play with it as he wanted, and helped him when he asked for it. As of now, he is done with it and we are getting rid it and all the books. He has decided that he does not want it anymore, and will not play with it again. When it got to the books that he had to read, the ones that the system does not read for you, he was done with it. So, off it will go!!


wbmscm <mclean.w@...> wrote:
Can those who have experience with them offer me your opinion of the

Also any web resources that rates them.


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In a message dated 1/1/04 10:15:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,
mclean.w@... writes:

> Can those who have experience with them offer me your opinion of the
> Leappads?

A couple of years ago my boys saw the Leap Pad Pro on TV and thought it
looked cool etc etc. We bought one for Christmas that year and they have only
touched in once. Once on Christmas day. Thought it was boring and have not
touched it since. If you want it just E mail me and I'll send it to you. It still
works and has a few of those games/books with it. It is a dust collector in
our house.
Pam G

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Lyle W.

>>Can those who have experience with them offer me your opinion of the

Also any web resources that rates them.


I have one son that loved it, and the other couldn't care less. The one that loved it is more of a 'sitter and thinker', and his brother is more of a 'on the go' kinda guy. lol.

If you do a search for "leappad reviews" on google, you'll get tons of sites to read.


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J. Stauffer

<<< Can those who have experience with them offer me your opinion of the
> Leappads?>>>

Like pretty much everything else, it is all in how the parents deal with
them I think. If it is for goofing around with, great....If it is for
teaching, not so great.

My kids love them. The big kids learned a lot of geography playing the map
games....the little kids like to make them say the same word over and over
"glochenschpiel" (sp?) is a big favorite. But at our house, they are a toy
like any other toy. Play with it if you want, don't if you don't.

At a friend's house, her husband is using it to "teach" their 3 yo. The
child is only allowed to use it with the father sitting right there with
him, the father shows him the "correct" way to play with it, etc..

----- Original Message -----
From: "wbmscm" <mclean.w@...>
To: <UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2004 9:13 AM
Subject: [UnschoolingDiscussion] Opinion of Leappads

> Also any web resources that rates them.
> Peace,
> Wendy
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-----Original Message-----
From: Genant2@... [mailto:Genant2@...]
Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2004 10:33 AM
To: UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [UnschoolingDiscussion] Opinion of Leappads

In a message dated 1/1/04 10:15:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,
mclean.w@... writes:

> Can those who have experience with them offer me your opinion of the
> Leappads?

A couple of years ago my boys saw the Leap Pad Pro on TV and thought it
looked cool etc etc. We bought one for Christmas that year and they have
touched in once. Once on Christmas day. Thought it was boring and have
touched it since. If you want it just E mail me and I'll send it to you.
It still
works and has a few of those games/books with it. It is a dust collector
our house.
Pam G

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We have a leappad plus that my son has out grown but he liked his. it was
great in the car or any place we needed to wait because you could use earphones.

hope this helps some

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Same here. The kids got them last year, I think for Christmas.
Actually, come to think of it, Gavin got one and Avery used some of
her Christmas money to buy herself the pink one. Gavin was 4.5 yrs
and Avery was 2.5 yrs. They come out in spurts, depending on where
they are being stored at the moment (they recently lost their usual
storage spot in the corner of the living room to a Christmas tree),
but typically it is Avery (3.5 yrs) who gets it out first to play
around with and then Gavin remembers his and gets it out too. Gavin
has only one book that he adores on it, and it is one of the Quest
ones about the Human Anatomy. He really loves learning about that and
then trying to stump us.

We've never used them as a tool with the kids, they just view them as
a fun thing to do. The funniest thing was a couple of months ago when
Gavin was playing with the anatomy book and clicked on something that
said that girls grow faster than boys...the look on his face was
priceless, and he looked to be truly offended by that statement.


--- In UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com, "J. Stauffer"
<jnjstau@g...> wrote:
> Like pretty much everything else, it is all in how the parents deal
> them I think. If it is for goofing around with, great....If it is
> teaching, not so great.
> My kids love them. The big kids learned a lot of geography playing
the map
> games....the little kids like to make them say the same word over
and over
> "glochenschpiel" (sp?) is a big favorite. But at our house, they
are a toy
> like any other toy. Play with it if you want, don't if you don't.
> At a friend's house, her husband is using it to "teach" their 3
yo. The
> child is only allowed to use it with the father sitting right there
> him, the father shows him the "correct" way to play with it, etc..


My DS got a QuantumPad for his 4th birthday and absolutely loves it!
The only differences between this and the LeapPad is that the
QuantumPad has a headphone jack -- woo hoo! ;)

On Jan 1, 2004, at 10:13 AM, wbmscm wrote:

> Can those who have experience with them offer me your opinion of the
> Leappads?


In a message dated 1/1/2004 9:57:55 AM Central Standard Time,
jnjstau@... writes:

> At a friend's house, her husband is using it to "teach" their 3 yo. The
> child is only allowed to use it with the father sitting right there with
> him, the father shows him the "correct" way to play with it, etc..

Yuck! My kids like ours, in cycles with everything else. We got the
leapster for Christmas and they enjoy playing with that too, but it will probably end
up in a rotation with everything else. It is a toy, not a learning tool. I
view it as I would books on tape, or computer games/workbooks. They like it
when they like it and don't touch it when they aren't interested.

Both the leap pad and the leapster are great for long car rides the kids have
been on before. Our two know every cow on the way down to their grandma's,
so it helped ot have something different in the car.

Elizabeth in IL

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Elizabeth Roberts

We're planning to get one for Sarah for her birthday, the Quantum. Just as something to play around with, and if she picks something up from it, great; if not, oh well.


TreeGoddess <treegoddess@...> wrote:
My DS got a QuantumPad for his 4th birthday and absolutely loves it!
The only differences between this and the LeapPad is that the
QuantumPad has a headphone jack -- woo hoo! ;)

On Jan 1, 2004, at 10:13 AM, wbmscm wrote:

> Can those who have experience with them offer me your opinion of the
> Leappads?

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In a message dated 1/1/2004 9:38:43 AM Central Standard Time,
marriedtomony1991@... writes:
My 6 year old son loved his. He got it when he was 4 for Christmas, and
played with it for spurts nonstop, then would get bored with it and not play with
it at all. When he would get a new book for it, then it would be back to
playing with it all the time. We have recently started unschooling, as opposed to
school at home. I did not use it as an educational tool, just gave him the
books and worksheets, and let him play with it as he wanted, and helped him
when he asked for it. As of now, he is done with it and we are getting rid it
and all the books. He has decided that he does not want it anymore, and will
not play with it again. When it got to the books that he had to read, the ones
that the system does not read for you, he was done with it. So, off it will


Do you think he might be learning to read soon? I think I'd just put that
thing away until he is older.

Your son used that Leappad exactly the way my sons use video games and game
systems. Once they were through with a game, the system would sit untouched
for weeks, until it happened that they got a new game. I've never gotten rid of
the old game systems, just maybe packed them away or stored them accessibly.
Now all our game systems are in one cabinet with a special TV (FINALLY!), and
those old games get played by someone cycling through here. My 10 yo is now
getting to the point where he can play some of the games I rather he didn't
play when he was 3 or 4 (we protected his vivid imagination from scary images
when he was little--still do) and he doesn't care if it's on the old Super
Nintendo. It's there to learn from.

Oh wait, he just reminded me that my 21 yo son took the Super Nintendo to his
house a few months ago!

I think if the Leappad was useful to your son, that it probably will be again
and he might miss it eventually if you get rid of it.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


We really debated long and hard on getting the system. My son had
been asking for a long time so finally I decided to go ahead with
it. I thought at least if he used it in the car it may help pass
the time. Well, he has used it once or twice in the last year.
Fact is, he has a computer which is so much better that I think this
just bores him. Also ,he is not into reading at all yet so tapping
on the words is not remotely interesting. My sister got one for her
daughter who had also been asking for it and she loves trying to
read, etc. She did not use it much either. Thats just my

Olga :)

--- In UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com, "wbmscm"
<mclean.w@c...> wrote:
> Can those who have experience with them offer me your opinion of
> Leappads?
> Also any web resources that rates them.
> Peace,
> Wendy


I have only started unschooling within the last few months, so before that I was really into teaching him to read. I let all the schoolbooks go, and stopped pushing it, when I came to my senses about his learning. Since I have began to relax with everything, he is now able to do things like play on the computer for as long as he likes. I use to restrict computer time, tv time, game boy time, all time. I see the errors in my way.

I have been checking in with him for more than a month now on the leap pad. He got 2 new books for it for this Christmas, and did not want to keep them. We took them back to the store to exchange them for the toys that I also use to restrict. He has not played with it in months, and, as I write this, I realize that he probably only did because it was something that I did not restrict.

We live in a small house, so I have always worked with him to keep the clutter down to a minimum. When there gets to be too much stuff, we go thru all the toys and sort them out, so things that he does not want/does not play with go out. My SIL owns a consignment shop, so the toys go there with the understanding that he gets the money that is earned from the sale of his toys. The toys go into the garage for a period of time, until I take them to the store. That way if he changes his mind about something, it is not gone right away. I can only remember one toy that he has ever asked for back. They are in an area of the garage that he can see them when he goes out to play in his craft area. That way he can look at them and tell me if something needs to come back into the house.

With so much available to him now without restriction, I honestly do not think that he will want to play with this again. If he changes his mind, we can always pick one up again at the consignment shops.


Do you think he might be learning to read soon? I think I'd just put that
thing away until he is older.

Your son used that Leappad exactly the way my sons use video games and game
systems. Once they were through with a game, the system would sit untouched
for weeks, until it happened that they got a new game. I've never gotten rid of
the old game systems, just maybe packed them away or stored them accessibly.
Now all our game systems are in one cabinet with a special TV (FINALLY!), and
those old games get played by someone cycling through here. My 10 yo is now
getting to the point where he can play some of the games I rather he didn't
play when he was 3 or 4 (we protected his vivid imagination from scary images
when he was little--still do) and he doesn't care if it's on the old Super
Nintendo. It's there to learn from.

Oh wait, he just reminded me that my 21 yo son took the Super Nintendo to his
house a few months ago!

I think if the Leappad was useful to your son, that it probably will be again
and he might miss it eventually if you get rid of it.


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