[email protected]

I am a former preschool & primary grades special education teacher who is now
staying at home with my 2 children. I just wanted to mention that all
children develop at their own rates and although evaluators
(teachers,therapists,etc) do their best to put an "age equivalent" on a child's progress...they are
comparing to the "average" which means some children are above that age range
and some below.
Early intervention services are certainly helpful if they are well done and
preferably in your own home so that the parents can learn the techniques used
as well.
My son is getting preschool spec ed services this year which seems to be
helpful so far and has none of the stigma of school-age services. I've just
recently been really considering hs him and reconsidering my former chosen career.
The school system really does a disservice to kids in special ed programs as
most children do not fit into a "one size fits all" approach.
Best of luck with all of your children. I do suggest accepting early
intervention services if they are approved b/c it is the best time to help many
children with developmental delays...but don't feel bad about it. Just spending
time playing with 2 year olds is what most of the therapy consists of. Good

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