was Extreme Behavior- Now - Precious Bikes..
But the bicycle is <cue Gollum voice> 'my presscccciousss'.
corner" of the bedroom, surrounded by his bikes and parts, polishing and
tinkering.. I can just see Gollum sitting there, flitting his eyes around nervously,
stroking that bike like a lover.. LMAO.. .. OMG, he just brought in two
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>>>>>>OMG, that is so like my husband. Sometimes when he is sitting over "his
corner" of the bedroom, surrounded by his bikes and parts, polishing and
tinkering.. I can just see Gollum sitting there, flitting his eyes around nervously,
stroking that bike like a lover.. LMAO.. .. OMG, he just brought in two
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Tia Leschke
>You've got them in the bedroom? I've got three in my living room. My son's
>OMG, that is so like my husband. Sometimes when he is sitting over "his
>corner" of the bedroom, surrounded by his bikes and parts, polishing and
>tinkering.. I can just see Gollum sitting there, flitting his eyes around
>stroking that bike like a lover.. LMAO.. .. OMG, he just brought in two
bikes are too expensive to be on the porch or in the unlocked shed, so I
get them in the living room . . . sigh.
--- In UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com, TeresaBnNC@a... wrote:
a car.
My bike is my freedom to roam. I loathe driving (and now don't have a
car anyway) and walking is hard because of MS. My bike means I can
head for the supermarket on a Saturday - its 8 miles - and have a few
hours of alone time and explore the area too. I always end up with
about 50 pounds of groceries strapped to the rear rack so I'm not fast
on the way back. I stop for a chocolate cappacino. Everything I need
is on my bicycle. Bliss.
But next week it has to go on a ship so I'll be stuck with buses for 4
weeks until our stuff arrives :-(
And then it will be a couple of weeeks before the baby is due.
sniff sniff
Shyrley the cycling hippo
> But the bicycle is <cue Gollum voice> 'my presscccciousss'."his
> Shyrley
> >>>>>>
> OMG, that is so like my husband. Sometimes when he is sitting over
> corner" of the bedroom, surrounded by his bikes and parts, polishingand
> tinkering.. I can just see Gollum sitting there, flitting his eyesaround nervously,
> stroking that bike like a lover.. LMAO.. .. OMG, he just brought in twoHeehee. No more weird than those men who spend every weekend polishing
> wheels..
> Teresa
a car.
My bike is my freedom to roam. I loathe driving (and now don't have a
car anyway) and walking is hard because of MS. My bike means I can
head for the supermarket on a Saturday - its 8 miles - and have a few
hours of alone time and explore the area too. I always end up with
about 50 pounds of groceries strapped to the rear rack so I'm not fast
on the way back. I stop for a chocolate cappacino. Everything I need
is on my bicycle. Bliss.
But next week it has to go on a ship so I'll be stuck with buses for 4
weeks until our stuff arrives :-(
And then it will be a couple of weeeks before the baby is due.
sniff sniff
Shyrley the cycling hippo