Elizabeth Roberts

Well, Cinderella 2 actually. We were watching it tonight on the Disney Channel. At one point, the ladies-in-waiting throw a metal hoop skirt over Cindy's head. Sarah asked if women actually wore them, and I said that yes, once upon a true time women who could afford to wore them, it was the fashion. She wanted to know more so we got out a book (Usborne's Living Long Ago) that discusses, among other things, clothing styles throughout history and I showed her. She's asking to make one for Halloween.

Just thought I'd share.


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Tia Leschke

>Well, Cinderella 2 actually. We were watching it tonight on the Disney
>Channel. At one point, the ladies-in-waiting throw a metal hoop skirt over
>Cindy's head. Sarah asked if women actually wore them, and I said that
>yes, once upon a true time women who could afford to wore them, it was the
>fashion. She wanted to know more so we got out a book (Usborne's Living
>Long Ago) that discusses, among other things, clothing styles throughout
>history and I showed her. She's asking to make one for Halloween.

There's a woman on the Canadian list whose daughter spent most of her late
childhood and teens immersed in fashion and costume. She has written about
how it took her daughter through many, many academic subjects just
following her interests. (The girl is now a straight A architecture student
in college.)

About hoop skirts . . . I used to usher at the San Francisco Opera in the
60's. One opening night, a woman showed up in the biggest hoop skirt you
can imagine. She couldn't get through the door from the lobby into the
actual theater and had to spend the whole evening in the lobby. <g>


>>About hoop skirts . . . I used to usher at the San Francisco Opera
in the 60's. One opening night, a woman showed up in the biggest hoop
skirt you can imagine. She couldn't get through the door from the
lobby into the actual theater and had to spend the whole evening in
the lobby. <g>>>

I'm wondering how she thought she would fit in a seat.

Life is good.

Tia Leschke

> >>About hoop skirts . . . I used to usher at the San Francisco Opera
>in the 60's. One opening night, a woman showed up in the biggest hoop
>skirt you can imagine. She couldn't get through the door from the
>lobby into the actual theater and had to spend the whole evening in
>the lobby. <g>>>
>I'm wondering how she thought she would fit in a seat.

How *did* they sit? I've often wondered that. As to the woman at the opera,
many people consider it a time to see and be seen, so she probably didn't
mind missing the actual opera. <g>

Nora or Devereaux Cannon

It really isn't that hard - put on a hoop and practice, LOL. You
basically tilt the back up an inch or two and while in the
process of sitting down. Also scoot forward a little to fold
the hoops down. I am not a fan of stick shifts, port-a-potties
and open campfires while wearing hoops, but even those are
manageable. I have never seen the full "fly up nekkid to the
waist (except for pantalettes and chemise)" result of having
them tip up, but you can get some interesting effects if you
don't put enough petticoats over them or get a feel for where
they are flexible.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tia Leschke" <leschke@...>
To: <UnschoolingDiscussion@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [UnschoolingDiscussion] Re: Lessons from Cinderella

| > >>About hoop skirts . . . I used to usher at the San
Francisco Opera
| >in the 60's. One opening night, a woman showed up in the
biggest hoop
| >skirt you can imagine. She couldn't get through the door from
| >lobby into the actual theater and had to spend the whole
evening in
| >the lobby. <g>>>
| >
| >I'm wondering how she thought she would fit in a seat.
| How *did* they sit? I've often wondered that. As to the woman
at the opera,
| many people consider it a time to see and be seen, so she
probably didn't
| mind missing the actual opera. <g>
| Tia
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Elizabeth Roberts

From my understanding, either they sat on stools they could drape the dress over, or there were little catches in the back hoops that allowed them to collapse. I'm really not sure though. Would be interesting to find out!


Tia Leschke <leschke@...> wrote:

> >>About hoop skirts . . . I used to usher at the San Francisco Opera
>in the 60's. One opening night, a woman showed up in the biggest hoop
>skirt you can imagine. She couldn't get through the door from the
>lobby into the actual theater and had to spend the whole evening in
>the lobby. <g>>>
>I'm wondering how she thought she would fit in a seat.

How *did* they sit? I've often wondered that. As to the woman at the opera,
many people consider it a time to see and be seen, so she probably didn't
mind missing the actual opera. <g>

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Everything I need to know, I learned on my own!

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In a message dated 12/9/2003 2:25:24 PM Central Standard Time,
leschke@... writes:
How *did* they sit? I've often wondered that. As to the woman at the opera,
many people consider it a time to see and be seen, so she probably didn't
mind missing the actual opera. <g>

When I moved into the house I bought in AOL's homeschooling chatroom (another
story for another time), the previous owners left a pink brocade upholstered
chair. The seat was round, with a short back (6-8") that only went about 1/4
way around the seat. When my mom saw it, she said it was a hoopskirt chair.

I suppose someone wearing a hoopskirt could sit on it and still have the very
back of their behind have a little support. I suppose the back is low so a
bow or bustle or jacket tail could hang over the back.

My mom liked it and it matched her decor so I had it cleaned and gave it to
her. Now her cat sleeps on it.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Tia Leschke

>When I moved into the house I bought in AOL's homeschooling chatroom (another
>story for another time),

Hopefully not too far away. Sounds like an interesting story.


In a message dated 12/10/2003 6:41:12 PM Central Standard Time,
leschke@... writes:
>When I moved into the house I bought in AOL's homeschooling chatroom (another
>story for another time),

Hopefully not too far away. Sounds like an interesting story.

Only mildly interesting. I used to hang out in that chatroom (Homefront
Hall--it's still there) years after it lost its luster. So one night I'm chatting
late at night and a new person comes in and through the chatroom conversation
we find out we're in the same town. And her house is for sale. And they're
homeschoolers and so are we and we're looking for a house in that area. So I
meet up with her at park day and talk to her about the house and I end up
buying it a few months later after she's lowered the price by $20k. ;) I still
own the house as a rental property. Hope to move back into it someday, maybe.


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