food allergies and behavior
>>And I'll talk to the ped. aboutfood allergies again.
Hi Susan :-)
You and your boy sound so great! I love the caring you have for eachother
that comes through in your posts :-)
I just thought I would say that I notice one of my son's allergic reactions
is a huge increase in anxiety and irrational fear. When he was about eight,
he started to worry about the doors being locked at night and stuff. This
confused me because he had never acted like that before, although he had
allergies like stuffed sinuses which I could not figure out. We switched our
diet to exclude grains and beans and sugar (as best as we could), and those
fears went away. Now at 11, he knows that if he eats grains (especially
wheat- bread), he can expect a really stuffy head AND if he eats say two or
three meals of "bad" foods--anxiety. And he says, "I am worrying about the
dogs getting out, I think it must have been the birthday cake". My other
son gets kindof mean and also "irrational" like wanting it to be day when it
is night (he just turned three :-) when he eats grains. He chooses those
foods much more than his brother because we have alot of friends that eat
mostly eat grains and have crackers and stuff, although he is learning about
when he feels yucky, and is starting to choose say, sunflower seeds over
pirates booty (cheesy corn puffs) at the store- (although yesterday it was
pirates booty :-)
Anyway, maybe it is related a bit to food for your son too. I read a book
"Is this your CHild", I think there must be others- that one talks about
emotional allergic reactions which some people dismiss, which is really
silly I think. I mean we really act like our mind and body are different
and separate- but it is sort of an illogical assumtion I believe.