hi, Linda ...
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KAK virus. Please check you system and delete the files. There is a
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Thanks. :-)


On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 22:02:33 -0700 "Linda Sternhill Davis"
<lrsdavis@...> writes:
> Hi All!
> I received the following e-mail from a fellow homeschooling mom who
> lives in the San Diego area. The message is self-explanatory, and
> Debbie has given me permission to reprint it here. I'd really like
> to help her and her uncle out, so I'd like to spread the word as
> much as I can. Please feel free to let others know, as well.
> Please note the May 15th deadline. Here goes:
> ********************************
> I'm busy with a project to help my favorite uncle who was recently
> diagnosed
> with cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis C. He's a world renowned
> venomous
> reptile specialist, and married to my husband's aunt. They're coming
> out in
> June, in fact. I'm organizing some fundraisers for them, since it's
> outrageously expensive to even be placed on the organ transplant
> list - you
> need to be on Medicaid (they denied them due to her making too much
> money -
> unreal) or you need to have $250,000.00 in an account. And that cost
> is just
> to get on the list.
> Feeling helpless isn't my style, so I'm compiling a cookbook. If you
> have
> any lemon recipes you'd be willing to share, I would appreciate it
> so much!
> Or just post the request for recipes that is on my signature line to
> your
> e-list. Perhaps they would be willing to chip in!
> Sincerely,
> Debbie Nelson
> Share a lemon recipe by 5/15/00 to benefit
> my uncle's liver transplant -
> Get a free ad in the cookbook and online!
> <a href="mailto:When_Life_Gives_You_Lemons@..."> </a>

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