
Odds Bodkin is another storyteller worth checking out. He is quite a
bit more animated that Jim Weiss...his voice isn't calm like Jim's...I
don't think he has much going-to-bed material out there. But listening
to him is very engrossing and fun. He does all of his own voices with
the accompanyment of guitar. He has some stories for the very young
set (Little Proto series- stories about dinosaurs) that my ds just
loves. He does others for little kids too...there is one tape/cd of a
medley of fairy tales for the younger set (THe Three Little Pigs is
hiliarous), and one about stories of strong girls.

There are more Bodkin tapes for the older set, including The Odyssey
and a few others...check the library or Fun Books


on 10/13/03 2:11 AM, plumaria_1 at plumaria_1@... wrote:

> (THe Three Little Pigs is hiliarous)

It is! :-)

Odds Bodkin was a favorite. Little Proto especially was listened to numerous
times. (There're are 2 sequels now.)
